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Professor of Porn
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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. Bloody hell, you nailed Jason with that one!!!
  2. Also, I'm still not far at all into the game because I have restarted 4 times. I really should have stuck with my 3rd restart which was going fighter as it was a flawless experience. I was level 3 before I even made it to the attack outside of that one village on my fighter. I think I have nailed what I want now tho.
  3. This is how I feel about a lot of spells and abilities in the game. I once casted true strike from a character who wasn't in range to melee to a character who was. The character who was in melee range missed. I've used it once.
  4. I'd say so. Wish some things were more simple. Like, I hate how stealth works and I just want a normal turn invis for a sneak attack and so far I haven't noticed any backstab crits. Like I'd be willing to call this Dragon Age: Origins: Tactics. I'm pretty sure I would prefer the simplicity of DA:O over this tho. The biggest thing that makes it feel not like DA:O is how you can't just hit things. Kinda nuts how low some of the percentages get. I know there is the advantage system, not really sure how it works, but setting up advantage isn't a thing I care for, and aside from a few moments, I haven't really had an advantage outside of high ground and stealth. At times I wish I could just walk up and hit someone. Also, it's annoying when a fight starts out with very poor rolls. I've restarted once or twice because literally nothing happened on my end due to poor rolls.
  5. Well, I'm not really buying from them, but I have never given them my ID in the past. I was actually going to buy from them when I just assumed best was going to pay for the CDkeys version, but I would feel super scummy if I did it now.
  6. Yeah, now is a really good time to be saving money. It definitely makes the most sense to start saving now. Plus, who knows when the next drama thread will happen.
  7. While not nearly as funny, I tricked a bunch of bandits into thinking there was danger and got them to leave but when they had their backs turned I killed them.
  8. My master plan worked! @best3444 gave me the $70 but I'm going to buy it from CDkeys! Everything I have said was a lie! I am EVIL. Outplayed Outskilled Outfinessed
  9. Yep. Totally fine with that. https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/GodkingGary
  10. Considering I'm getting it on PC, I could be in the position to give you aids.
  11. I have ordered from them as well in the past, just never pre-orders. GMG I have pre-ordered from with games like ELEX2 and RE2remake. I am more than willing to pre-order on CDkeys as it makes the most sense for best and I ain't here to rip people off. I'm here to take your charity.
  12. Some people don't like giving out money and would rather give out things, even digitally. While the result is the same, it is different to buy something yourself than to entrust the money outright. I personally would like to pre-order it via Steam, but I'm not the one spending money here. I don't care the CDkeys is grey market, but I never like pre-ordering that way, especially with games that eve early access. It's not on my dime so it really doesn't matter this time. I always worry about some issues arising. Even GMG, the great site that it is, has had issues in the past with sending out pre-order codes and the like on release. That said, it does make the most sense to just send me money and I order it on CDkeys. The Delux edition is only 50.09. If best wishes to do that then: https://account.venmo.com/u/Grallis https://cash.app/$Grallis https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/GodkingGary
  13. buy me 2 games? No not at this time. Tho I'm interested in the next Armored Core
  14. I can also add you as a friend instead if you give me your username
  15. That works too, tho if you do that @best3444 it makes to most sense for me to buy it on my end seeing as you can't add it to Steam until it releases. As if you bought it you could not send me the code for it until the day it comes out. Of course, that would make THIS pointless but I already made it so I'm posting it
  16. @best3444 I think this is the only way for you to gift me wallet funds. You'd just need to send me the codes. Valve Steam Wallet Card $50 | GameStop WWW.GAMESTOP.COM Buy Valve Steam Wallet Card $50 at GameStop. Find release dates, customer reviews, previews, and more. Unless you want to make a Steam account and add me as a friend (which would make giving me games easier in the future )
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