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Professor of Porn
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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. Strangers of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origins. It's not story heavy. You can make the game very easy. Grounded and Simple combat, souls-like. Graphical fidelity is nothing special but I like its style. I know it's "final fantasy" and you've been unlucky in that regard but it's literally the best FF ever made that isn't an MMO. Also, you can basically just pretend SoP has nothing to do with FF. It just happens to be a fun action game that with an FF skin. It's why so many FF fans dislike it.
  2. Off-Topic, but I wanted to add to this. I reason I got bored and quit was actually the walking/map traversal. I don't know if I was doing something wrong, but I felt I spent a lot of the time just walking from one part of the map to another. My "build" or whatever was really enjoyable when it came to the story. My favorite was one of the purple abilities. It was the fucking GOAT. It called out all the other traits/skills when they were simping or getting deceived. It was fantastic. I'd love it if it was 100% a visual novel.
  3. Well, it's not like DA:O combat-wise. It is kinda similar, but not really due to BG3 being turned-based. As I said earlier, it's like Dragon Age: Origins: Tactics
  4. Pretty much no cottage cheese is the same. You got Store Brands that differ wildly, Daisy, and Breakstone. Breakstone is the better name brand imo, tho I can't find it in anything other than with fruit. Daisy almost has a sour smokey taste. There is a fair amount of liquid, but the tiny cottage beads are really dry. I don't care for it Walmart brand is what I prefer. It is a somewhat curdier cottage cheese with minimal liquid. It is most similar to breakstone. Kroger is just BAD. Closest thing to cottage soup that there ever was, and the curds are like flake shaped somehow. It also has the least creamy taste. It seems watered down. I enjoy 4% Small Curd cottage cheese.
  5. I mean, this is basically my first game like this. I did play Dragon Age: Origins tho. Aside from my crippling inability to make decisions, I'd say this game is far more like DA:O than any classic CRPG I've ever tried (Pillars and Tides of Whatever). Mostly because characters aren't telling you novels at a time with even the most minor of NPCs having more dialogue than a visual novel. Like, it's so nice that NPCs are far more of the 2005-2011 BioWare Style.
  6. Actually, it wasn't an issue in that game. I didn't beat it tho because I got bored. I know I made it somewhat past the time when you are prompted to shave or not.
  7. tl;dr My brain is broken and doesn't know how to have fun and is too worried about everything ending perfectly. Looking forward to playing more later. Man, I cannot play this fuckin' game. I have put HOURS into the game. Like a lot of hours. But my in-game time only reads 6 hours and I haven't even talked to the druids yet. I am fucking wracked with indecisiveness. I am constantly looking up stuff, testing every variation, and reloading because combat didn't work out like I planned because I critically missed. Like I today went out to get Karlach, I abused the shape shifting item which enables me to fly and I literally flew to her, talked to her, and had this whole thing in the camp, only for me to reload because I encountered these NPCs earlier but didn't want to interact with them so I could boost Karlach's romance to see which side I wanted to pick, as in, is she good enough for me to side with the druids, but because my game loaded those NPCs and I walked away, they went away too. So now I have to do it all over again without loading those NPCs. I'm losing my mind here trying to get everything the way I want it as best as I can. It is literally infesting my dreams. I'm literally dreaming about the game and I keep making bad decisions. The issue with that is when I make bad decisions in dreams, and the dream starts going places I don't like, I force myself to wake up. When I was younger I tried to lucid dream and that was the biggest mistake of my life cuz have all these dreams now where I am partially aware the events aren't real, but I can't stop them until I'm like, "No, that is not how this is supposed to go. That is not-canon, wake up," and I wake up. I can't control them, but I can wake myself up from them except for a specific type of reoccurring nightmare. And the reason I said "that is not-canon" is because when I place a lot of focus on either a book, show, or game in a single day I will often dream about them and my mind will try to make its own story out of what it is processing and my god to they trigger every single thing I hate. It's like my brain is trying to warp whatever I enjoy into something vile. I have mental problems. God do I wish I could just play the fucking game as intended. It's so frustrating. I can't just have fun and roll with it knowing there is an outcome in the game that will be my perfect run of it. I mean, at the beginning of the year I planned out my entire mass effect trilogy run to ensure I got the most perfect ending and results in one go. I think I am also too mentally attached to getting everything right on my storm sorc. That is how I wanted to play the game first. I feel a lot less, uh, strict when it comes to the choices I made on my fighter. And I know how I should be playing the game and my mind goes, "no, don't do what you'd naturally do." Like realistically, what I should have done is went straight to the druids and then explored the grove. But what did I do? I did some side stuff, walked to the druids, attacked them, killed them, and reloaded because that isn't what I wanted, and went back and did more side stuff. Like, I got orphans wanting me to steal some idol that was mentioned once and I haven't even talked to the druids yet. I feel like I have gotten all these side quests despite having no idea what in the hell is going on. I feel like my mind is constantly playing the DooDooCaca song from the old internet while playing this game. Anyway, don't take any of that as some serious shit that is actually worth responding to. It's just me being dumb, and I need to vent so I can hopefully get over myself and just play the fucking game. Also, shut up Xbob! Don't even say it.
  8. I've never had sour cream outside of the chip flavor. Oh, and I believe on time on a Taco but I didn't notice it. Maybe it was ranch. IDK.
  9. I guess this is wordle's revenge for yesterday Wordle 780 6/6* 🟩⬛⬛⬛⬛ 🟩⬛⬛⬛⬛ 🟩⬛⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩⬛⬛🟩 🟩🟩⬛⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  10. We'll see loads more DnD video games to capitalize on BG3s success only for the games to be of poor quality and tarnish the brand. The exception will of course be Larian and the masses will say, "If it ain't a DnD game from Larian, we don't want it."
  11. I wish the NPCs weren't like, "BRO PLZ Don't dismiss me BRO PLZ YOU NEED ME OUT ON THE FIELD PLZ BRO!" Like, shut up and just let me select my party from a menu. Like how DA:O did it.
  12. But no one really lives in the pretty. Some do, either the very rich or the very poor, but most towns and cities are dismal.
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