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Professor of Porn
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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. I got tales of arise and blasphemous but I haven't played them do to playing Mass Effect I didn't get anything for anyone.
  2. Huh? The PS2 version had worse graphics and longer load times. They only thing it had going for it was the new content. I mean, sure, the Wii Version was by far the most fun with the new aiming, imo, but the GC version was great.
  3. Yeah FROMSOFT games, Dragon's Dogma, and Halo 1-3 for sure. DOOM Eternal is the best and most fun FPS title to the point where it is near flawless. Story is a huge step back from 2018 tho. Star Fox 64 and Mario 64 are just fun to play even to this day. Oh and I love gears for the gnasher heavy gameplay in MP and Single-Player mode got better with every installment. Tales of games are good. Dead Space, RE4, BFBC1/2, and while I am not good at them the Guitar Hero and Rock Band games. Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 I'm split on nu-GoW. It is pretty good, but at times I can't help but feel that the difficulty options hold the game back. Boss Fights still need some work too.
  4. If I knew I have going to see Kaiden nips every time I talked to him I would have picked Ashley. Like, put a fuckin' shirt on wtf
  5. With a heavy lack of respect, muppets are shit and always have been.
  6. Well yeah, Scrooge is actually good. This is literally the best Christmas movie to have ever existed.
  7. I don't know why, but I feel ME2 has better graphics over ME3 in the legendary edition. Also, I'm not a fan of ME3's intro including up to finishing Mars. It doesn't feel right to me. I think it maybe to bombastic. Like a Michael Bay Transformers movie. I know it is the end of life as they know it but it feels too fast paced and high stakes. I know all of these games have pretty much put you right into the combat, but it's not the same this time. I think it might be the lack of a slow intro. In ME1 you have the whole introduction of just talking on the ship. In me2 while the ship is blowing up there is no combat and you move pretty slow. In ME3 you start of with quickly said line on the way to talking to the alliance higher ups that ends in an explosion which has the game rushing you out the door. It sets the tone, but I am definitely a fan of a slow start. That is Something that DA:O did very well and where all the other DA games failed.
  8. Not really anymore. Used to go to my Grandma's house every Eve but then she died and the house was sold. Once we knew the truth of Dear ol Santa Claus we started opening presents at midnight was was cool.
  9. Pepperoni Pizza Various styles Chinese-American chicken Lo-mein Fried Chicken (including tendies shoutout to popeyes) Bacon Beef Jerky Saucy AF BBQ ribs Breaded Chicken Wings & Golden Sauce Wings Specifically a 5 guys bacon cheese burger with ketchup Macaroni and Cottage Cheese Mozzarella Sticks Getting Deli Pepperoni and Folding it like a taco and filling it with Mozzarella eating it all fridge cold
  10. If it was wrong yes, but other than 1 single time where a steak was so dry that I had to add water, I've never gotten bad food. That was also the only time I ever got a steak at a restaurant and I was in like 5th-7th grade.
  11. Oh I know how the endings are. I just mean to get the "breath" ending, aka the only way ME4 could happen, you need a high war score.
  12. Oh god, I have a sudden feeling ME3 will want me to broker some kind of peace with the batarians. I can only hope I don't need them for the best ending. But at the same time, more might bite the dust if they join the fight. God such hard decisions.
  13. I think, instead of the random child, BioWare should have killed whoever you saved on Virmire. While this choice would not have been well received by many, it would have at least given Shep a more relatable experience. Your choice to save them was in vain and in the end it didn't matter. You and Shep would be feeling the same thing for different reasons, but you could relate. My reaction to that kid getting blown the fuck up was the same as my reaction to blowing up those 300k batarians:
  14. I think only in the Bloodpack sidequests are there any elite krogan. Still, ME2 krogan are much weaker than their ME1 versions.
  15. Well, you can only do so much in game. Like, Krogan are strong, but I feel like they are more used to tell you how strong a non-krogan is. "Oh, this person can take on a krogan 1v1? That means they are strong." But as Shepard you can kill a YMIR mech solo and they are much stronger than a krogan. At the end of the day, they are only flesh and blood. Still tho. In ME2 there are almost no elite krogan. There are plenty of mini-boss enemies with 3 layers of health, except for krogan. It would have been neat if they had like 4 layers of health, but outside of the armor layer it is actually just the red health. Hell, even in ME1, if you kill a krogan and it isn't lifted by biotics, it will get a second wind and be topped off with health instead of dying. You effectively have to kill krogan twice in ME1. Not so much in ME2.
  16. I was going to post my video, but it turns out I didn't save my collector ship gameplay. Overall tho, Vanguard wasn't that bad except for the instances I listed. Please ignore my shitty console aim but here is some of my shitty Vanguard footage @legend
  17. 1. Omg wtf me3 feels so fuckin weird 2. The arrival dlc is great because I got to explode 300k batarians
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