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Everything posted by bladimir2k

  1. All those requirements are not that bad... ok well maybe the prestige levi..... we can barely get a group to do a raid now a days! lol
  2. I'm pretty sure @Anzo mentioned he is currently running it on a TI calculator and still getting 60 FPS at times! NO EXCUSES!
  3. Switch to PC! Everyone is doing it man! Also I feel your pain.... When I go from playing destiny on PC to PS4 I feel like my controller broke. It's painful... oof!
  4. So remember when I said Quickplay PvP matchmaking felt so much better.........Bungie yesterday came out saying that after the update they found a bug in the matchmaking system which is not taking skill or connection into account ... No wonder it felt so much better! lol
  5. Wife and I are ready for that arm gun reload move... just bought tickets!
  6. Damn it only took that helmet for you to cave in and pre-order! Thought we were gonna take our stand and wait ti'll last second! lol
  7. Look at the end JOE... just look at the end of the video!!!! Everyone hated it... MO loved it! (i'm pretty sure pepito like it too!!)
  8. I gotta be honest some of these weapons seem OP.... but if I'm the one using them I'm going to enjoy them. Also I cant believe they brought back that piece of crap looking helmet again @mo1518
  9. There wasn't one source for me that I can recall that got me into gaming but a couple of experiences: 1 - Vectrex Console - we would go to my 2nd cousins house from time to time and deep in their dark basement full of junk they kept a Vectrex. This is the first experience into gaming that I can recall. We played minestorm, hyperchase, spike, cleansweep and a football game. This was around age 8-10. 2- NES - At one point an older cousin of ours rented a room in our apartment, for whatever reason he had a used nintendo and he let us play it for a few weeks, the only problem was that he didn't have any games or just the original mario. At one point I think my older brother opened up an account at a local video rental place to rent a back to the future game for the weekend. Games were hard back then and as kids we couldn't pass the first few levels! lol That was short lived though he took it back after like 3-4 weeks. 3- PC/My brother - My older brother really got interested in computers during his early high school years. He got my mom to buy him a packard bell (at the time buying a computer for us was a big expense) It came bundled with a slew of software including Mega Race and Old dog McCree. His interest of computers kept going, eventually he would go on to build his own computers and we would look for more games.
  10. On a different note....I know it's the wrong time to ask, as i'm assuming people aren't playing pvp at this time, but after the recent update does matchmaking (at least in quickplay) seem better for anyone else? In terms of the people you are facing? Doesn't seem like you are facing try hards every other game and getting stomped. Even if you are loosing and you are a decent player you are getting a lot of kills and ending up with a high K/D kinda making you feel alright even if you lost.
  11. I think level requirement is 380 but the strike is very lenient with time if you do the jumping puzzle fast enough and take the shorcut that im sure 2 good people can carry a lower level guardian.
  12. Also if you haven't gotten the whisper (black spindle) make sure you get it next time it comes back around. Apparently it's going to be a beast with the catalyst(see below quote). My understanding is that in order to get the catalyst completed you need to do the heroic version of the whisper around 4 times but it only counts once a week. So assuming the strike comes back every other week it will take 8 weeks to complete? Great for those raid bosses! "4 shots from the Whisper will do more damage than a Celestial Nighthawk Golden Gun once we have the catalyst "
  13. PS4 Collector's Edition is $53.57 @ Amazon. Almost pulled the trigger myself just for the bag, but in the end I know I don't need it. Also this made me remember that I had an extra copy of D2 for @Anzo if he ever came back that I had totally forgotten about! Sorry you had to spend money on your copy!
  14. My first controller had this issue and I went ahead and opened it up and replaced the sticks with after market ones, but I also bought rubber covers for it. I personally hate how the PS4 thumbsticks feel on my thumbs. After some use the PS4 sticks become slippery to me from my thumbs oil and sweat. After using the rubber covers the feel of the sticks were a whole lot better with a lot of grip. Look at amazon, they sells some for around 5-10 bucks. I now have 3 PS4 controllers and all of them have rubber covers.
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