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Posts posted by Mercury33

  1. 2 minutes ago, Komusha said:

    We’re allowed to disagree on this but please don’t assume my position is ever based on some kind of ignorance, especially when it comes to film. I’m well aware of prior and current trends. I’m a life long movie fan just like you. I live and breathe cinema. I’m confused when anyone tells me to study film history because that’s literally all I do :p

    Well Skillz had a bit of a leg up in that he actually works in field haha. 

    @sblfilms would you assume that places like Alamo skew older vs younger because of the difference in disposable income? I assume you don’t have to order food/beer at Alamo but maybe feels weird if you don’t so people in their 20’s don’t go as often because it’s more of a big event type experience for them?


    Im kinda assuming we’ll get a shift more and more towards those event type theaters(we have a local chain in Maine called Smittys that has table service inside the theater and big arcades/bowling attached) but combine it with some kind of monthly pass that would make the experience cheaper for those who go more often. Again me just assuming people in their 20’s go more often because of dating/free time etc…

  2. 35 minutes ago, Massdriver said:

    WoT has more main characters so they need more episodes compared to the Witcher. My praise in that comment was directed at The Witcher season 2, but I’m still enjoying WoT. I hope they improve  WoT pacing in season 2. Agreed that 2 more episodes would do it. 

    Oh yeah I was agreeing about the Witcher 2. But I’m also someone that had zero issues with pacing and time jumps of season 1. I think the show is pretty much perfect. 

  3. 7 hours ago, Massdriver said:

    The book readers need to hush. They need to be quiet about Wheel of Time too (I did read 10 of those and don’t see any issue with how they’re adapting the source material) 

    This is so damn good. I have played all 3 games and couldn’t be more pleased. 

    The show is perfectly paced. I can’t help but mention how this is pacing done right compared to Wheel of Time which I maintain is moving too quickly for the amount of characters they have. The music is great. The characters are well developed and I care for all of them. It’s just fun to watch this and so damn cool. The sets and CG have improved a lot since season 1. I got 3 more episodes left and couldn’t be more thrilled to be watching high fantasy this good! 

    Agreed. I’ve read the books and honestly couldn’t care less. The show feels like more of an adaption of the world the games created than the books and honestly I think that’s for the better. I enjoy seeing stuff and characters from the books but I couldn’t care less if they even hit the proper beats. 

    Wheel of Time I care more about but like you said I think they’re doing a spectacular job adapting that series. They are hitting every important major story beat, just changing how we get there for TV. And honestly as a book reader it’s fun getting to be surprised by new stuff in that world again. I also agree about its pacing. Moraine and Lan have been perfectly done but the kids feel rushed. Not massively. I think If they’d done 10 episodes and included two “traveling episodes” it would have done wonders for that show. Fantastic as it already is. 

  4. 6 hours ago, Fizzzzle said:

    There might be some rights issues adapting stories from the games. Iirc CDPR "owns" those stories, as there have been disputes between them and the author. Which I think is stupid, no one outside of Poland would have ever even heard of the Witcher it wasn't for the games, but whatever.


    Kind of like how the rights to anything middle earth related were always really tricky until recently in terms of what you could or couldn't use and depending on what medium it was presented in.


    At any rate, at the pace they're going, they'll probably blow through the books in like another 2 seasons. Maybe that's all they want to do? Who knows.



    They adapted Bloody Baron(sort of) in the first season didn’t they?


    And yeah, this is one book series that who the hell cares if they deviate completely from. I mean Geralt already is more of an adaption of the video game version than the book version. As someone said this is not some iconic/influential work of literature like LotR, Dune, WoT etc…


    And honestly look at all the recent book adaptions. His Dark Materials drastically changed the story for the better, Shadow and Bone drastically changed the story for the better, Wheel of Time is drastically changing the story and so far it’s for the better.  And honestly so far Witcher the show is better than the books. Once people accept that you’re pretty much never going to get 1:1 adaptions they’ll be so much happier.  Dune is the exception not the rule. And that took 3 tries to get right. 

  5. Watched the first two episodes. God I love the look of this show. First episode was def one of my favorite episodes of the whole series. Second episode had sooooo many cool little nods to the game. 

    I hope Netflix lets this show run to its natural conclusion because I’m really curious if they actually adapt the 3rd game and how it ends the story or if they go their own direction. 

  6. I think arguably the most impressive thing about Guardians, that even I took for granted while i playing, is that they NEVER stop talking. That seems like an exaggeration but they literally talk at each other the entire game. And none of it repeats, none of it feels forced, none of it comes off as lower quality or a lesser performance than is given in full cut scenes, and the most amazing part out of all of that is that you don’t want them to stop talking. It’s never annoying. 

    Just sit back and think about what an achievement in writing and voice performance that is. It’s not a 6 hour game, it takes around 20

    to finish and that’s all story and dialogue, no side missions. 

    • Like 1
  7. The Armor stuff is cool but I hope they kinda lean into the weapons too. I’d love to see more Kill Effects, more cool gun effects maybe something like changing what the Rockets or particle beams actually look like. The concept of Halo MP is generally pretty silly when you break it down and I hope they lean into that a bit. Not saying go full Fortnite stupid, just a little more creativity. 

  8. 4 hours ago, Fizzzzle said:

    That's not why it's preposterous from a historical perspective. I can get behind a white outsider to ease us into the struggle as an audience and therefore have no problem with Tom Cruise being the main character of the movie. The "last samurai" were not fucking shooting arrows on horseback while riding into machine gun fire. The samurai were a privileged class that lost their privilege in the Meiji era and fought to protect it. It wasn't a noble cause and they certainly never brought a sword to a machine gun fight. Not to mention the impractical armor used in the movie. It basically paints a romantic portrait of bushido culture that never existed, let alone in the late 19th century when they definitely were using guns.


    I could go into a whole thing about the depiction of the "noble savage" in films and why it's patronizing colonial apologism, but I'm a WASP so even me saying it is also patronizing in its own way.


    ... still, it's a good movie. I can appreciate a good story regardless of context.

    Eh who cares, we romanticize every form of “Historical warriors” from Knights to Cowboys. 

  9. Finished it the other day. Def in the running for my GotY(although Village pretty much has that locked down). The ending is so utterly fantastic. 

    The best part of this game is that it almost

    never drags. The story is draped across every single inch of the game. You’re always progressing and moving forward. Never a point where I went “ugh I just need to get through this to get to the next story part” by the end I genuinely felt move invested and cared more about this Guardians team than the movie Guardians. And as someone else said Chapter 14 is so fantastic. It out Mass Effect’s Mass Effect in that chapter and the cassette grab could be the best moment in gaming in the last decade 😂


    That being said I’d be fine if we didn’t get another one. This told a pretty complete story with a lot on the line for all the characters. And CD is such an utterly fantastic studio I kinda would rather just seeing what they can do with different IPs each game Instead of sticking with one for a decade at a time. 

    • Shocked 1
  10. Was one of my top 3 games the year it came out. The combat is really fun, implementation of force powers in a game in awhile. The story is fun enough to make

    you want to keep going(the ending is awesome though). The biggest surprise to

    me was the platforming. Going in I assumed it would be on a Tomb Raider/Uncharted level but it’s actually really really really good. And the more Powers you unlock the more fun it becomes. To the point where I was genuinely looking forward to the exploration and platforming parts. 

    • Like 1
  11. My son plays a ton of Roblox but I have an extremely strict NO MONEY EVER policy for that game. Even as like one off birthday or Christmas gifts. I’m not against getting him season passes or DLC that sticks around in game “permanently but this isn’t that. The way micro transactions work in that game is extremely predatory on the age group that game appeals to and I imagine a lot of parents don’t really bother checking on it. 

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