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Everything posted by Joestradamus

  1. only from my point of view with those that i know, but latinos are largely racist, some dont even realize it. many wish they were lighter skinned and straighter hair, they want to be part of the white community, they want to assimilate at whatever cost.
  2. Big heart, my family appreciated his help a few years ago when my brother in law passed away. This thread is flying btw, I'm barely on this post catching up.. 5 more pages to go!
  3. I have a soft spot for Linkin Park. But I hope trump stole it without asking and that LP are not actual trumpicans.
  4. They really should be irrevocably banned for running for any public office once donald loses this election and is convicted for crime(s) that he committed.
  5. When my wife and I were both single, we were convinced by our friends to sign up on plenty of fish. I thought she was cute, messaged her, and we talked a few times on there, eventually decided to study together at the library. The rest is history, and it has been the single most genuine and loving relationship I have ever had. In these insane times, I am beyond grateful that I have her in my life. Anyway, your post just reminded me of how it started for us. Enjoy what you got now while it's there.
  6. Admits to adding conservative judges but earlier relentlessly asks if she and Biden will pack the courts. Ok.
  7. I'm not sure how you're all listening to this, but I'm listening to this with headphones at the moment. I've heard someone cough a few times here and there and it just scares me. Also, is there a dog there?!
  8. My wife says he's a jerk and that he sucks. She reached out to him and his office multiple times for help (for work, city job) and they were less than helpful.
  9. I wanted this motherfucker to live so he can see, hear, feel, smell and taste the humiliation of his defeat this election, and to enjoy his last days in prison. But fuck him, fuck this bullshit, I hope he suffers and goes to the highest section of hell.
  10. i'm ready to call out shit once i leave, once I have another job lined up. but honestly not trying to look at the moment as it's stable and my wife and I aggressively saving.
  11. It truly is an awkward feeling right now. Incredibly cringe when employees circle jerk the guy and all their top execs. I don't look at anything anymore except for my tasks at hand now.
  12. I finally set up a gym in the garage. when I bench, I don't put on the clips on my barbell in case of failure, lean to one side and let those plates slide off. Better that than dead.
  13. Initially my reaction was total cringe and anger for her doing so while driving, plus her super awkward shouting... but I'm with you there... internally I have a little version of that lady in my head, too. I've been going crazy at the sad and unfortunate timing and what could happen.
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