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Everything posted by finaljedi

  1. The Covid special, I was single then so I think it was a Door Dashed burrito and the FF7 remake.
  2. My birthday was in July and I requested half a week off back in January planning to get up to something with friends... I sat around playing video games by myself all day
  3. On the Trump curve he's nailing this one.
  4. I know things have gotten a bit fucked, but I feel like putting some of the other side in the cabinet has always been a thing.
  5. I have a box of disposable masks in the back seat and a cloth one I keep with me, sometimes I forget in the parking lot of a store, see someone else and then go back to my car
  6. I'm wondering if stores will do their normal Black Friday thing and if they do what that early December spike looks like.
  7. I voted early yesterday, waited in line for 20 minutes at 10am on a Wednesday in a heavily Republican county that’s not terribly populated. In 2016 I didn’t wait at all to early vote. There were also Biden people working the line, I’ve never seen a Democrat outside a polling place once in Warren County, OH.
  8. The Trump administration doesn't want to be bothered with the Coronavirus and "herd immunity" is a fun way of saying that they don't want to do anything because they don't really give a shit about the people dying part of this whole deal.
  9. I get tired of people bitching about ageism. At some point you really shouldn't have a ton of responsibility over other people. After 65 or 70 you've definitely lost a step and are probably having a hard time keeping up with today, and I really think there needs to be an age cap of 70 for all government positions, elected or not.
  10. It still applies to the state where the person resides or the claim is filed. BCBS plans are already sold across state lines. Like if you work for Walmart you’ll have a BCBSAR plan no matter what state you’re in and the provider file with the local BCBS plan and it gets transmitted to whatever plan company you hold. But that’s because the BCBS Association set up that whole plan to plan infrastructure. I just think it’s a “solution” that will just lead us back to shitty useless health plans.
  11. I worked in health insurance for a few years and that shit is mostly regulated at the state level and it can vary pretty wildly from state to state in just the areas I worked in. I've always wondered what selling across state lines really meant from a regulatory perspective. Is it incredibly strict like California or some anything goes shit like a good chunk of the midwest.
  12. I'm betting he continues to do his rallies, except charging admission now since he can't use the clout of the federal government to rip off towns. That's if the Justice Department doesn't sack up and keep his crooked ass in court.
  13. How hard is it to find people for higher offices who aren't fucking weirdos? Did they all wear matching sweatpants and visit the mall as a group?
  14. It was the only result, possible result. He's a rotten person and nothing would make him better
  15. So he's juiced up on drugs right? I had surgery about a decade ago and the drugs they had me on made me feel like I could run 20 miles and fight a bear.
  16. I just left a hipster coffee shop and even the most die hard liberals are upset about how they’re treating Jacob Wohl
  17. From what I remember in 2004 in Ohio the partisan poll watchers had a list of names of people who shouldn't be voting for whatever reason and they get to challenge them. They get to cast a provisional ballot while the Board of Elections looks into it.
  18. Florida isn't the only state lifting restrictions, Ohio lifted occupancy restrictions this week for restaurants and bars and our mask mandate was toothless as it is.
  19. It kills me when someone tries to make a point with "The American people elected Donald Trump to...", he won the election, but the American people didn't elect him.
  20. I think many of those guys would be shocked to see their work still being religiously adhered to 230 years later
  21. It really is a pity that polio didn't put that old fuck in the dirt in the 40s
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