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Posts posted by Anzo

  1. 7 minutes ago, Bacon said:

    @Anzo Well post it here in a spoiler box!




    Rey is a Palpatine 


    So the emperor has been sort of a puppet this whole time, on Exegen this sith planet, he is hooked up to this machine that is constantly being tended to by sith acolytes. His body is all mangled and hooked up to a machine. 

    Well, since he died I mean. He created snoke, they show a machine with clone snokes  like Rei from Neon Genesis Evangelion.

    So the Emperor has been pulling the strings ever since the end of ROTJ. He started the seeds of the First Order.

    The very first scene is Kylo finding a sith way finder holocron and going to that planet. He wants to kill the emperor but the emperor persuades him that he needs Rey.

    The “Force Time” mechanic set up between Rey and Kylo is used a lot, as is the force projecting that Luke does.

    Rey fights him on the death star like we’ve seen in the trailers. Kylo is about to kill her but Leia uses the force to Reach out to him, he gets distracted, Rey stabs him. That force out reach kills Leia. It is shown in an earlier scene however that Rey has learned how to “Force Heal” living things, so as Kylo is dying, from a saber wound, she heals him.

    Earlier Kylo says that he offered her his hand before (in TLJ) but she didn’t take it, that he saw in a vision that she would take it and they would rule the galaxy together after killing the emperor.

    So after she heals him she says “I would take your hand, Ben’s hand” and leaves.


    That shakes Kylo, he then has a “force memory” of Han Solo of the scene between them in TFA, but it works out differently when Ben “comes back” he throws off the Kylo then mantle, chucks his saber into the ocean  


    Might sound dumb on paper but it was perhaps my favorite thing about this movie.


    So later, Rey goes to exegen alone to confront the emperor alone. He tells her though that by striking him down his spirit and the spirit of all the sith will transfer to her because she is doing it in anger she will become the new emperor.

    Ben follows, he is confronted by the Knights but doesn’t have a saber so is getting beat up bad. Rey, with the emperor, fights the temptation to kill him but instead feels Kylo is near and “Force Times” or “force faxes” him Luke’s saber while she pulls out Leia’s. He then kills all the Knights and joins her.


    It was set up earlier that their connection via force timing is really strong now and they can pass objects back and forth, fight each other physically when in different locations. It is believable set up tbh.

    Anyway, the emperor is defeated in an cool way but Rey totes dies in the process. Ben has been knocked down a pit during the fight but comes back up later. He sees Rey dead, he uses the force heal power to bring her back. They embrace, kiss and then Ben dies and his body disappears like Luke’s did. So he is gone gone.


    Yeah, but this is called Rise of Skywalker right? She goes to Tatooine to Luke’s original home, buries Luke and Leia’s sabers there, a random woman walks by and asks who she is. “I’m Rey.” “Rey who?”


    She looks over in the distance and sees Luke and Leia Force Ghosts smiling at her. “Rey Skywalker”. Movie ends.


    • Thanks 1
  2. Spoiler Free Impressions after sleeping on it:

    There is a LOT of fan service in the movie. There are a number of surprises and also some head scratchers and eye rollers tbh. I was afraid that it would all be about Rey’s parentage and it absolutely was all about that. It doesn’t undo what Rian said about them in TLJ but it also kind of does, if that makes sense. When that moment is revealed, I kinda just rolled me eyes and bit and thought, really? 

    But in the same vein, JJ makes it work, and makes it believable. So I’m not too disappointed that it went that way.


    To JJ’s credit, he backs up and builds upon things that happened in TLJ in some cool ways. 


    This movie is a lot. It doesn’t let up,  very frenetic pace I felt throughout. I’ll have to see if the pace feels the same on repeat viewing. I kept thinking back to the scene in TFA where Rey and Finn are running away from the Jakku marketplace, find the falcon and such. 80% of the pacing of this movie felt like that scene.

    There are some genuinely creepy parts. Kids will get scared by some scenes. 

    I had to put my phone and watch in a locked bag so I don’t even know how long it way. Well over 2 hours I think but not as long as TLJ I don’t think. 

    The scenes where they use old Leia footage almost work. It’s like 80% of the way there. Honestly, for what they had I’m surprised it worked that well. Still just a little awkward though and you can see through the cracks. She is in there way more than I thought. Not dream sequences. Leia is an integral part of the movie for 75% of it.

    There are many, many good moments and scenes in this movie. I think all the actors did great in their roles, especially Adam Driver. 


    7/10 - some glaring narrative problems and Uber fans will probably hate it. Some on Reddit already do. If you’ve read leaks they are 100% true apparently. I didn’t read any ahead of time. A satisfying but by no means perfect conclusion to this saga. Will definitely see it again this weekend. Hope you all enjoy it. 



    • Thanks 1
  3. I think this will end up in the 70’s on RT. I enjoyed it but there are some problems with it narratively and some major leaps to explain stuff. 

    Also, I got to be on the “red” carpet in my executioner trooper, got a photo with JJ Abrams  and shake his hand:twothumbsup:, I exchanged pleasantries with Josh Gad as we both entered the men’s room, Merry and Pippin were 3 rows behind me, as was Snap Wexley. I was within 5 ft of Spielberg at one point, was in the Dolby theater two rows back so got to see the presentation pre-show up close and personal. What an incredible experience! 


  4. 4 hours ago, DarkStar189 said:


    It looked like your hands have something built on to them that sucks things to your hands. At one point it looked like she pulled something off a soldier from a short distance. Maybe through the game it evolves. Built in gravity gun. 

    You are correct. I believe they were called “grabbity gloves” in some of the leaked info. 

    • Haha 2
  5. My trek to 5500 has been fine so far. I don't expect to actually get to Legend rank but got to Fabled on reset going 8-5. If hitting fabled for Recluse/Luna's/Mountaintop is your goal there has never been an easier time to do it. I'm completely average in PvP and got there easy. I played a few more matches yesterday and am ~2600 now. 


    If you are ever curious about what glory your opponents are at, look yourself up on guardian.gg 


    You can see your old matches and check the profiles of your opponents. I've been matched with 5500 legend players and 0 glory kinderguardians. Bungie announced this morning that they made some skill adjustments so hopefully there will be less variables now.

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