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Posts posted by Anzo

  1. 55 minutes ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

    I try playing free roam solo on hard and I get chewed up, especially if there is a lancer in the enemy ranks. 


    Storm really shines when the enemy is not firing everything they have at you. Lol

    As a Storm I had to drop it to normal while in Free Roam as well. Hard for missions has been fine though.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Biggie said:

    Do players use mics in this game or will I be wasting my time using a headset? 

    Going through the story you probably won’t get much chatter. If you stick with it and get to the grand master difficulties I wouldn’t imagine that teamwork is crucial. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, TheLeon said:

    I've only played a couple hours so far, but I don't think this game is for me. As I was flying around a cave fighting waves of enemies, I thought "Man, I wish I could be doing this with Wrex and Liara." I don't want to do missions with randos, and I'm unlikely to regularly group up with people I know, so it's going to feel like a lonely grind. 


    *It's also possible that I'm trying to convince myself that I shouldn't buy it because I should be saving my money. 

    I don’t think there is anything wrong with waiting it out a bit. Let them flesh out their post launch content, perhaps a price drop or two and you will have a load of stuff to do later if you so choose. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:


    Did you mean Destiny 2? And we don't know what led to Bungie's and Activision's split so you're speculating... despite the naysaying, Destiny is HUGE and has a fervent, dedicated fanbase and to say otherwise is just not realistic. I suspect that Bungie and Activision may have split because of the direction  they saw that franchise going in the future and Bungie's desire to chart its own course... I'm just speculating because again, we don't know.

    We do know. In the recent earning call Activision said that because they did not own the IP, they could not monetize it like they wanted to (like COD for example). They had already said previously that it wasn’t performing to their financial expectations so easy to allow the split. 

  5. I think I’m the most vested “Destiny player” of anyone commenting in this thread (over 1000 hours between D1 and D2) and I don’t feel threatened by Anthem at all. Destiny is in a huge content lull right now and will be for at least another few weeks. Anthem is filling that void and I’m enjoying the story, characters and lore, echoing all that has been said about them already. I’m glad I read/learned early on that this game should be played like a cool down based MMO rather than a shooter. Understanding the combo system is critical to enjoying the gameplay. Otherwise it is super boring plinking enemies with so-so guns. 


    Playing with randoms has been fairly painless. I can’t wait to do stuff with friends. This game has huge potential so I hope they can follow through on their promises for regular content. It being free is a huge plus for those that want to take a break and come back to it now and again. 


    And yet, right now now it is hard for me personally to give the game a recommendation because I am still so early on, about 6 hours in. I want to finish the story, get to lvl cap and see what the end game loop looks like. How receptive will they be to the huge amounts of feedback coming in? 


    Early end game impressions are that it is shallow with only 3 strongholds. However, there are those higher difficulties, getting masterworked gear etc. Too early to tell on that and I’m not there yet. 


    How will bugs and stuff improve with the much ballyhooed day one patch? What about future patches? How much can they change about the base systems of the game. 


    Destiny has the advantage of 4.5 years of tweaks, content and adjustments. I quit destiny after the first month because it was so tedious. A year later with Taken King they overhauled it completely and made it fun. They did the same thing with Forsaken after a lackluster year one of D2. Will BioWare be given the autonomy by EA to play the long game with Anthem if it stumbles out of the gate as Activision did with Bungie? I hope so because this game has good “bones” as it were. 


  6. I don’t quite know what these reviewers were doing where they hadn’t even revived a single person let alone 3. Maybe it’s because I’ve been playing on hard but I’ve revived numerous people by now. 


    I started the Tombs mission and found two of them before work. Most of the stuff was already completed! 


    My one gripe with those is what I posted earlier today. Let me mark a tomb with a way point to be able to find it more easily. I don’t know the map like the back of my hand yet so a little help until I get to that point would be nice. 

  7. @atom631 Abilities with a Circle/dot in the corner are Priming abilities. The ones with an explosion looking thing in the corner are detonators. When you hit then with a priming ability you will see a status effect above their head (freeze, flame, shock etc.) At that point you hit them with the detonator and PING! Combo pops up. Melee attacks are always detonators.

  8. 5 minutes ago, ALIEN-gunner said:

    That could be in a Nightfall or the Raid(things I never do because there's no matchmaking) but outside of those there's always a countdown timer to auto-revive in Destiny. The most I've seen was 30 seconds I think. 

    Regular strikes had them too. Even story missions had them at times. To you point though, even if you couldn't respawn immediately (like when patrolling) you could after 15-30 seconds. As I said, Destiny's respawn system is less punishing overall than Anthem's. Bioware would be wise to adjust it. 

  9. 1 minute ago, JPDunks4 said:


    This I agree with, I hate that.  Let me do my own thing no need to drag me to my teammates all the time.  

    Destiny has that to a degree. It is only for the boss in strikes and raids though. Not sure how it is done in proper MMO's.

  10. It depends on the area regarding revives. Like in Destiny there are no respawn zones although they are slightly more punishing. If you die in one of those, then you have to wait for a teammate to revive you. No other option. If you die outside of one of those, then there is a countdown to when you can respawn on your own. Like 10 seconds I believe. They could benefit from fixing that a little though because it isn't exactly quick. It respawns you far away from the fracas and there is even a load screen to do so. 

  11. Yeah that point in progression seems to be a huge sticking point  for a number of players. I’m right at that point but haven’t started it yet. Reading the feedback of others it seems like there is a bug that makes the progress of those steps start at zero when normally anything you have done prior should count. From what I’ve read it is stuff like kills with your Ultimate, opening chests, doing world events etc. 


    Even when it is working as intended it seems like a weird choice for a story progression step. Destiny has quest steps like that but they were never story related. 

  12. 1 hour ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    Anybody know what the hell he's talking about?

    I think I'm on that mission. You have to go into Freeplay and find four tombs and "solve their mysteries" or whatever. I was about to go into that but had to take a break. I figured that would have been weird to do with rando's so I plan to set the party to private before I do it. 

  13. I unlocked a second Javelin. Colossus is fun too. Totally different playstyle which makes it interesting. It has mortars and missiles and stuff. What I really like though is an ability that makes me a walking tesla coil and primes all the surrounding mobs, then my squad mates can throw finishers at them to top them off.

  14. 11 minutes ago, The Dude said:

    So what is the actual release schedule? I snagged the origin sub, do I only have 10 hours or is that something else? 

    Origin Premier gets you access to the full game right now. 

    Origin Basic nets you a 10 hour trial and you have to buy the game. You can then play the full game next Friday (or Thursday night depending on your time zone)

    On PC, buying the Legion of Dawn edition alone allows you to play the full game right now too.

  15. This doesn’t feel like the same game I played a few weeks ago. Controls better, runs better, is fun to play. That ping you get from activating a combo is super satisfying. Story feels compelling. Played 2 hours so far let’s see how this holds up. 


    On Origin I’m Anzo42 feel free to add me. 

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