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Everything posted by Triage

  1. So Chicago is colder than Antarctica! This morning -27 and with wind chill -50!! House was crackling all night with weird sounds that we found out is cryoseism! I had no idea what to expect this morning when going to work... So what's the worst weather you have experienced? Also for fun: It's winter in Illinois And the gentle breezes blow Seventy five miles an hour, At thirty-five below Oh, however I love Illinois When the snow's up to my butt You take a breath of winter air And your nose gets frozen shut. Yes, the weather here is wonderful So I guess I'll hang around. I could never leave Illinois 'Cause I'm frozen to the ground!
  2. Thank you! My thoughts exactly. I'm glad I'm not the only one and your opinion to me counts like 20 people
  3. I will tell you once it's time to ask for forgiveness
  4. So there is a saying that bugs me: "It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to ask permission" Maybe in the case of Grace Hopper. But for daily life for majority it's not the best way to live by. Why take the risk? I'd rather ask for permission then fight it if I get a no Then do it anyway At least I asked and discussed it.
  5. As a parent of two kids I appreciate commercials and anything else that supports how I raise my kids. I raise my kids not to bully not to harras and to be good human being and if they do stupid shit, own up to it, learn from it and be better. Hence as a parent of two I have zero issues with the commercial or anything that supports positive message.
  6. To get attention because we know how that goes especially after Nike. So my issue is if the intent is to pass a positive message to bring attention to an issue that needs resolution, that's great. But if it's only to increase your sales that really sucks because the issue is real. Or someone got brave enough because more and more women speak out?
  7. But it also shows men that stop harassment and bullying and says that some men already do that (the right deeds). Not once says all Men.
  8. Yeah by now eneryone has seen or heard of the Gillette commercial... Seems men on both right and left side find it offensive. Curious to see how men of D1P feel and why
  9. We got our pictures and we have about 1000 but I won't torture you with all of them
  10. You have no idea that thing could have killed someone! It was heavy too
  11. Still waiting for our professional pictures but till then we scored some of these today:
  12. I have never been on a cruise but I want to @Emblazon has been on few before us time
  13. My chiropractor said she can fix it too with adjustments but that's one adjustment I'm scared of. Did it hurt? @kittykat see chiropractor helped him as well?
  14. I have had issues since I can remember.. It hurts cramps locks every time I take a first bite. I haven't done anything about it by now I'm used to it and just brace myself before I eat lol
  15. We are waiting for our wedding pictures probably another week. But we have plenty of Disney familymoon vacation pictures!
  16. Oops I read your post from email and didn't realize Emblazon already posted
  17. I'm not sure when we will have our wedding pics but I have couple Emblazon took.. I love this one it was after photo session where I took off the vail that didn't cooperate in the wind. At one point my dress was flying and bunch of leaves were on my dress, in my hair amd eyes. We had to pick em all off before continuing on And we sneeked in a selfie Anzo has a cooler pic from last night of is three not sure if he wanted to post or not.
  18. I might have shave my head.. The wind tangled my hair beyond what a hairbrush can do! Thank you for watching, support and everything. Special big thanks to Anzo for being there and making the video. Your daughter is beyond words adorable sweetheart.
  19. For me it's fear kids (I guess they are old enough now) or like when my older was trying to sneak in the house and we almost took her head off with a katana thinking someone is breaking in.. That would have gone badly with a gun. Plus I used to be treated for depression and still have anxiety so there is that fear. I think once I was comfortable with one because training I wouldn't mind. Idk
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