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Posts posted by ALIEN-gunner

  1. I just reached level 10. The game is good so far but the framerate seems a bit worse than it was at release. 


    The internet keeps telling me The Division 2 is a better alternative but I can't see how that can be since it's a "peekaboo" shooter where your feet are glued to the ground. I'll stick with Anthem for the time being. 

  2. 22 hours ago, Biggie said:

    @ALIEN-gunner you digging this game? Man the more I play the more I wanna play. 

    Yeah I'm liking it but it's no Fallout '76.


    According to most review scores, Anthem is worse than Destiny 2, No Man's Sky and Fallout '76. That's fucking retarded. Everyone on YouTube is tell you the game not only sucks but that you shouldn't buy it. In reality, Anthem is a damn good game in the genre that includes all the story telling flaws and bugs and glitches those games usually have. The gameplay is all that matters here not the fluff. I guess these people see "BioWare" and immediately expect Mass Effect levels of story depth/choice. Nah, Anthem is gameplay/combat/min-maxing first as it should be with these types of action games. Story is just there as a back drop. 


    I'm real low level just taking my time. I chose the Intercepter and love its fast movement during combat.I got into a world event where I helped another player kill 3 of those...I don't know what they were...big monkey things I guess. It was pretty awsome throwing an acid grenade and then going in close with a swipe attack to get combos and quickly dodging out of the way. Really fun stuff here. When I go back and play Destiny I feel like I'm moving in slow motion.  

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  3. I've been playing a bit of the story and have been busy trying to find a color scheme I like for the Intercepter. The graphics and load times seem fine to me on the PS4 basic. All I can compare this to is the demo but everything is much improved. The wind and rain efffects almost feel real. 


    Also outrage culture on youtube gets a lot of traffic. Youtube is these peoples main source of income. And message boards are full of kids, complaining is easy. 

  4. 1 hour ago, CitizenVectron said:


    Well you're regurgitating their talking points. Why do you criticize Captain Marvel and not Superman? Also you didn't respond to anything in my post.

    There was nothing worth responding to in your post. I'm talking about Captain Marvel I don't give a shit about Superman. You want to take it personal and dehumanize me with "wrong think" labels like Nazi's did to the Jews. You want to talk about Captain Marvel or how super heroes have been a part of US pop culture for years outside of just comics, cool. Want to call me an alt-right regressive or any other bullshit weirdo label then you can just piss off. 

    • Guillotine 1
  5. 13 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

    Man, Alien-Gunner is really stanning for the alt-right in this thread. Guardians were complete unknowns to the general public until the movie. The Avengers and Spider-Man were well known, but all of the other characters are b-tier (at best) nobodies. We've heard of them because we are nerds on a videogame forum, but most people haven't. To claim otherwise is ignorance. Also, he criticizes Captain Marvel for being a one-dimensional power fantasy...which is exactly what Superman is. But where is the criticism for Superman? Also, what was Brie Larson's "attack" on white men, exactly? When she called for more female and non-white critics? Because that's a good thing to call for. Diversity of background and opinion in all sectors of society benefits us as a whole. Just sounds like AG is a regressive dude.

    And here we go with the "alt-right" bullshit labeling. HAHA. Get the fuck out of here with your lunacy. You sound like a Nazi when you talk like that!

    • Guillotine 1
  6. 26 minutes ago, SimpleG said:

    I never denied it happening just that it had nothing to with the MCU being what it is. We also tend to forget we are not your average consumers, we love this shit.

    You implied Marvel super heroes weren't house hold names before the MCU. They sure as hell were. The characters plastered on to everything. 


    Also Ms. Marvel and Warbird were always tough Captain Marvels even though sometimes she was portrayed to be a slut. But now days she's ultra feminism and it's hurting sales. Same with the movie, the box office predictions are all over the place as low as 80mil up to 140+. Larson isn't helping with her activist campaign virtually telling men not to see it and creating bullshit charaity campaigns for underprivilaged girls to see her for a couple of hours, not boys, no they get to stay home. It's a scam and I'm surprised she's getting away with it. If it were a real charity, she'd have flipped for the bill herself instead of asking the public to buy extra tickets which will artificially inflatethe box office tallies. 


    This has nothing to do with "women hating men", that's a lame narrative crazy people created. Movie goers are fine with female leads in film. Of course there's always fringe outliers but the vast majority of normies don't give a shit about a persons sexual organs they just want good stories. Man when we were kids watching Star Wars in theaters and Wonder Woman on TV  no one game two shits about gender politics. That's a new thing crazy people cooked up and something that needs to go away soon. 

    • Guillotine 1
  7. Just now, Kal-El814 said:


    Show me the reviews then smart ass. You can't though because they aren't there. Those sites reporting this are lying for sensationalism narrative purposes. RT has a feature asking users if they are excited to see the movie or not excited. THAT is what the precentages are. Currently there are NO reviews on RT for Captain Marvel. None from pro critics and none from users. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, SimpleG said:

    How do you know this have you seen end game and Captain Marvel?

    This means fuck all, before the MCU the average movie goer would maybe get lucky to name 2 Avengers much less GOTG and yet the movies make a metric fuckton of money.


    Once again this means fuck all, almost every major character has tanked and been rebooted ...... Spiderman,Thor,Hulk,The Avengers god only knows how many times,

    Lets not forget GOTG

    Image result for Guardians of the Galaxy (2008) #1


    Image result for Guardians of the Galaxy (2013-2015) #1


    Image result for Guardians of the Galaxy (2015-2017) #1


    Image result for Guardians of Infinity (2015-2016) #1


    Image result for ALL-NEW GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY (2017)



    Starting from 2008 till now and some of those runs lasted less then 3 years before being rebooted,cast changes and major overhauls

    You just pulling this straight from your ass,see @TwinIon post before yours




    GOTG success proves that line of thinking is wrong


    Everyone knows who Spiderman is etc. They are pop culture icons. No one knows who Captain Marvel is other than Shazam. She was first a black woman unrelated to Mar-Vell, then faded away and then a white woman related to Mar-Vell. The point is her character is a mess unlike the others who are well known in the comics for years, who've had action figures, been on lunch boxes and breakfast cereals! Even Guardians of the Galaxy are more well known and also have the advantage of being a group of diverse colorful characters set in a fantasy outer space universe. Captain Marvel is this character with a 1 dimentional personality that's supposed to be more powerful then every other Marvel hero ever because... :badass:

  9. Other than the games so called problems, there are at least two very great things about Anthem.


    1. BioWare seems to be committed to the game and are being completely transparent with their plans and are answering critiques from users on a daily basis.




    2. The soundtrack by Sarah Schachner freaking awesome. 

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