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Everything posted by Kamusha

  1. I don’t think it was an apporitate comment. Just like HeyYouDVD’s “real surprised it was Islam” comments after a terror attack aren’t appropriate. If it turns out this is a racially charged attack, then that’s one thing. Otherwise it’s reactionary and divisive.
  2. Fox knows that the more letters they use the more ridiculous and foreign it comes across to their viewers. There are actually a lot of people in the LGBT community who think the acronym is becoming too complicated.
  3. The conservatives who I know that reluctantly voted for Trump were hoping that everything was going to snap back to normal after he left office. Unfortunately there will be no going back. He may end up being the most consequential president in a long time when all is said and done.
  4. How is “Solidarity With Puerto Rico” a bad thing? Oh wait, his show is for racists.
  5. I’m right there with you, buddy. It’s a struggle everyday but just know you are never alone in your fight. I wish you the best.
  6. It’s already happening in Tennesee. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/did-hardware-store-no-gays-allowed-sign/
  7. I posted it for the content. It’s the first article I found.
  8. I think it’s quite possible Trump’s new nominee will be a crazed goon. It’s not like the GOP will oppose him either way.
  9. I think this will be a lot of fun. My husband is really sick of the Marvel movies but even he is looking forward to catching this one in theaters.
  10. Saying that gay people shouldn’t marry is to support their status as second class citizens. The very position itself is discriminatory against gay people. If one didn’t think less of gay people they wouldn’t hold that position.
  11. I serve black people but don’t support them marrying white people.
  12. I was preparing myself for this but it’s still hard to see it actually happen.
  13. I wasn’t being serious. If you guys were serious everytime you used guillotine then this whole board should be monitored by the FBI.
  14. Do you think he would have served them if they were having a non-legally binding commitment ceremony? Or is it only because the government was involved? It’s not political, it’s bigotry. It’s frankly disheartening you are comparing my relationship to the evils of the Trump administration.
  15. It’s also different to refuse service to an entire group of people than it is to refuse service to someone who is complicit in locking up children in cages.
  16. Trump is already planning on using the NFL protests in the fall to fire up his base. He’ll do the job for us whether we chose to be civil or not.
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