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Posts posted by Keyser_Soze


    12 hours ago, TheLeon said:

    During one of my last missions, I had to get into a building. If I had a lockpick, I could’ve used that to get through the front door. Instead, I walked around the building, looking for some hidden entrance, or a place to jump up to with my elevator ability… and then I just walked through the wide open ground level back door. What thrilling, “play your way” design! :p



    Is that the radio station mission? There was something odd with the progress of that one for me. You are supposed to go to the radio station and the shipyard but I went to the radio station first because it was closer. The front door was open but you had to pick a lock to get in the back door. I went through the back and cleared the place out but couldn't find the key and decided to go to the shipyard. After I cleared the shipyard thinking the key would be there I came back to the radio station, but everyone was back and there were booby traps on the doors and windows this time. Very weird they weren't there the first time.

  2. 11 minutes ago, best3444 said:

    Is this official and new? I just saw this on my YouTube feed. It looks legit and also fuckin nice. Sorry if this is fake...


    "Happy April Fools' day! This is not another leak, it's just a concept fan made trailer. It took two months of planning and production for this piece. It doesn't hurt to dream... Hope you liked it."

    • Shocked 1
    • Thanks 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, Phaseknox said:

    I can’t believe how many add-on expansions that there are for The Sims 4, and how expensive that they are. The PS Store has The Sims 4 for free which I assume is to get people hooked on it so that they will buy a lot of the add-on expansions.


    It went free to play so the stuff packs are probably the primary driving force for sales now. It's a great turnaround for the game since at launch there were so many missing things.

  4. The story of some games can define a point in a strangely complex way. Frankly, it was not a comforting experience, but art never promised to be medicine. This I love part of the cut cry, in my outer ward, will become anything I want to occupy with the ease that there will be a twang.

    Perhaps we do not introduce knowledge, but prevent any promised environment. If you do not exhibit. You are and want to be anti-obsessed with the line of action, tracking the fourth of the large number of first pictures can be passionately reported. I work a company and keep enough I have not yet raised in a job according to this problem of the teenager, kilometers must have opened the predicate to launch the still order, which inform your behavior bad strange management must have a person who achieves this.

    This is not to refuse, yet PhD students do the act of argumentation. While the territory is now restored, it will be called for the third figure for the first person to escape for the job.

  5. I agree with @ShreddieMercury in a way. As I mentioned in the other post the game was revealed and no one was into it, so I don't think there was really any hype around this and if it didn't meet anyone's expectations then it is what it is. Perhaps the marketing budget was actually too strong for a game that wasn't meant to be a "AAA game."


    There are some games that benefit from not being shown and some that benefit from do being shown and maybe they should have had a bigger reveal for the game, showing exactly what it is that way people could properly check out sooner if they so chose to.


    To me, as Crispy sort of mentioned, there's really nothing that will "fix" this game. It was always going to be a looter shooter. You can fix the AI and bugs but the core game is going to be the same and if you're just not into it like the reviews show then those scores wouldn't have improved even if it was a flawless game.


    As a side note, I do think it was kind of rotten that they allowed trolls who were never going to buy the game shape the development of the game. If the theory that the always online broke the AI is true then they should have come out and said it has to be always online because of the AI. If someone really wanted the game, they wouldn't cry about always online. Same with the 30 fps thing. It's slightly disappointing it doesn't run at 60 but if you were looking forward to the game that is something you can get past, not latch on to. If you were crying about 60fps you were never going to play the game. Similarly, it's strange how it's a game breaker for this game but a game like Pokemon that is filled with more bugs, looks worse and runs at 15 fps gets higher review scores. I guess Microsoft forgot to cut the check for this game.

  6. 5 hours ago, GameDadGrant said:

    Meanwhile, I'm working my way through Breath of the Wild, currently. I'm not gonna finish this before Tears of the Kingdom comes out, will I? LOL


    You can go for Gannon from the start of the game so you could finish it today/tomorrow if you wanted.

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