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Posts posted by Keyser_Soze

  1. 2 hours ago, best3444 said:

    Gears 6 even a thing?


    Not yet but supposedly they canceled the Coalition's game to work on a Gears game, so it will be a thing eventually.


    1 hour ago, Spork3245 said:

    Lots of rumors about the new Fable finally being shown.


    I think those rumors got shot down, and were reaches to begin with. The idea the game is in development hell so it would be tough to show anything, but people said they saw sparkles and fable-like music in a tweet so it might be coming. I'm not getting my hopes up but I'd love to be surprised.

    • Sad 1
  2. Well, I wrapped up the story content of PSO2: NGS before the Ver. 2 update hits tomorrow.


    I think early on, the game obviously didn't grab a lot of people, especially here. And the story was kind of ho hum. But the last few bits, Stia and beyond, get interesting and maybe even some effort was put into the acting. That being said there is a big revelation but it's kinda turned moot in a way, which I dunno. I guess it was kinda cool but then dumb. Worth seeing if you're anywhere near close to the end of the game. :p

  3. 53 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:


    You could've linked to this story from dozens of other sites that are not the Ben Shapiro/Jordan Peterson promoting The Daily Wire.



    Today we are announcing a new set of updates on YouTube to address and protect our community —providing a home for open discussion and debate during the ongoing election season.




    All of our election misinformation policies remain in place, including those that disallow content aiming to mislead voters about the time, place, means, or eligibility requirements for voting; false claims that could materially discourage voting, including those disputing the validity of voting by mail; and content that encourages others to interfere with democratic processes.


  4. 42 minutes ago, TUFKAK said:

    Only right that matters is guns and I can do whatever I want free of consequence commie and if you say means things about me you’re canceling me so that’s also infringing on my rights!


    By using your free speech you're taking away my free speech so I don't want you to have free speech so I can have free speech!

  5. 1 hour ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

    Yeeeaaaaahhhh - I'm gonna raise an eyebrow at the title of that "film" due to the not-so-very-subtle racial connotations of the words used.



    If anyone had put thought into the title it would probably be more acceptable to call it Craccoon but I guess they really wanted to hammer home the "crack" part of it.


    But let's be real, even if it was called raccoon you'd probably still have thoughts of those connotation, unfortunately.

  6. spacer.png



    Kandagawa Jet Girls: 7/10 - This show follows a girl named Rin as she attempts to follow in the footsteps of her mother a famous Jet Ski racer She moves to Tokyo and meets Misa, a disenchanted jet racer of sorts, on the verge of quitting. So they team up together, form a bond and begin to trust each other as time goes on and all that kind of stuff. Now the jet ski racing in this is a bit more high tech. Two people ride and one person shoots high powered water bullets at the other racers which can power down their vehicle. Of course it wouldn't be anime if there wasn't some lewdness involved so if a girl gets shot her bodysuit  flies off. Although it doesn't seem to affect much of anything else (and no they aren't naked when it flies off they have some bikini beneath the suit).


    The show is mostly traditional animation but the races switch to 3D and the effect works well, it doesn't take you out of the action. Although the show is focused on racing maybe 1/3 of the show is actual racing and the rest is character driven story stuff. The writing is pretty standard, mostly revolving around all the personalities of the girls. The Californian girls cracked me up with their way of speaking "my angel!" - And there were some poignant moments surprisingly.


    Now I was initially interested in this because it was directed by Hiraku Kaneko the man who brought you Valkyrie Drive and Qwaser of the Stigmata, you know lewd stuff. And sure there is some lewd stuff here but it feels very tacked on and dare I say unnecessary? There's nudity, but it seems like every time it happens it's because the character is taking a bath. But overall it's a solid show, not every long, and it's mostly lighthearted stuff. Now I'll just have to play the video game that's based on the show.

    • Thanks 1
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