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Posts posted by JPDunks4

  1. 2 minutes ago, ALIEN-gunner said:

    The main complaint about loading that I have read is mostly during co-op such as the distance between you and another player seems to be pretty short otherwise if you fall behind you'll be forced into a loading screen in order to catch up to a teamate who's rushing ahead. And it can be worse because once you've finally loaded in you are quicky forced into yet another loading screen because that teamate is still far ahead of you.  On top of this if you care about the story all these loading screens will cause other players to miss the dialog. So of you plan to see the story play all missions as host or solo. 


    There also seems to be a problem with the reviving mechanic. If you go down in co-op there's no timer that auto revives you so you have to rely on your teamates. So a random player can easily grief you by leaving you on the groud for the whole mission. 


    This I agree with, I hate that.  Let me do my own thing no need to drag me to my teammates all the time.  

  2. The world feels very much more alive than Destiny to me. 


    Destiny's world felt so static, and the same enemies spawning in from the same points over and over, and the same Public Events happening at the same spots.  It didn't really feel like a real living world I was exploring.  Just a pre-set battlefield that repeated itself over and over.  


    Thats not to say this game wont feel like that after awhile as well, but its sheer size and verticality and detailed nature makes it so fun to explore.  


    The World Events range from short and easy to really in depth to the point they feel like a main story mission.  I had one World Event that required me to go into a side cave, and complete like 3/4 steps that took me about 20ish minutes of challenging gameplay.  It was an absolute blast to play through and had me exploring brand new interesting parts of the world. 

  3. Reading the responses, just about everyone is hating on the game.  I honestly can't understand why.  It's like perfection almost for me thus far.  People complaining about loading screens then talking about how welly designed Destiny is.  I spent more time in Loading screens for Destiny than I did actually playing the game.


    I have a strong feeling we'll see plenty of hate for the game from the Destiny fan base that hasn't even played the game.  It's also EA so plenty will love to hate on it for that too.  The open world is pretty massive and beautifully detailed and designed, so I'm not shocked it takes some time to load.  Loading into the Fort and into the caves is pretty damn quick.  


    Do people really play a game like this and not explore the side content at all and just rush through the main story, because that's really what it feels like.  The challenges on those doors were like 60% done when I got to that part of the story.  

  4. Literally the whiniest complaint.  It even counts any prior progress towards the challenges.  By the time I even got to that mission and saw all the lists, I had the majority of it already done. 


    I spent 0 time actually hunting for those challenges, I just simply played the game and did the other Agent Missions and had all 4 Lists of Tasks completed without even thinking about them.  


    I guess if you are a Reviewer or someone just doing the main storyline straight through and rushing then yeah, maybe it feels like a Roadblock.  Anyone playing the game and doing all that it has to offer and not rushing to finish to hit some deadlines, then its seriously an afterthought.  Or should be.

  5. 26 minutes ago, atom631 said:

    So turns out,  I signed up for EA access so I could play BFV early. I forgot to unsubscribe so I’ve been playing anthem early on the  X1X. I put about 7hrs in so far. 


    Rifht off the bat,  it’s running a lot smoother than the beta. So far I’ve only had one audio glitch and that’s been it. Load times are shorter, framerate feels like they smoothed it out. 


    As for the game, it’s been really fun up to the point that I’m at. If you enjoyed the beta, you’ll like the full game.  However the mission I’m on has brought the game to a screeching halt.


      Reveal hidden contents


    So that’s where I’m at. 


    My only concern as I’m playing is that I’m getting a ton of the same guns over and over. From common->green->blue it’s the same name just better stats and perks. I really hope there are some unique exotic weapons in this game that really stand out from the stuff that seems to be dropping frequently. 


    In regards to the quest... @Mr.Vic20addressed it earlier, but it really shouldn't cause anything to halt...



    Go talk to the different Characters in Town to get the Agent Quests, or Contracts.. Do those.  All the progress doing those Quests contribute to those "tasks".   I finished all of it while just running around around doing those, with relatively little time spent in Free Play.   Chests was the last one I got, but that was pretty easy too once I started searching around for them.  


    My biggest concern is the difficulty still, I pretty much have to play solo to have a challenge.  Ults charge too fast, and are so powerful that with 4 Javelins u just destroy everything so quick.


    I am concerned about the items as well. There are Masterwork Items, but I'm not sure if they are the same items we get now, just with special perks and stats.  Its the one thing I can see that seems to be a flaw thus far.  I like games that Skills feel more powerful as you level them up.  Have the animations be crappy little explosions at lower level and ramp them up as they get more powerful.  


    It's early though, and adding special crazy items in wont be that challenging for them either.  


    Game is pretty much everything i've wanted in a game though, Im hooked. 

  6. Also the Respawn function which is big in this game would be moot for Solos. 


    Duos I can see coming.


    If enough people want solos they'll prob introduce it in some form.


    Also, imagine a BR in this fashion with all the Overwatch heroes.  The possibilities.  


    Had a nice 7 wins tonight in maybe 15/16 games.    Prob my best night yet, lots of high kill/high damage games.  


    Really loving it still.

  7. One thing I think is going to be built into this game, at least I hope so, is that Fort Tsarsis is going to change over time.  Which is why its a "single player" area.


    It will change and evolve over time based on our decisions.  I just get a sense cause the Fort is "under construction" now, and based on the character conversations, it seems like depending on your choices, things can go either way.  I hope thats the case, I always loved how in games like Chrono Trigger, your choices shaped the game world.



  8. There is a mission that requires some menial tasks like that. Its in Freeplay.  Dont want to spoil anything story wise, but there are certain checklist type missions where you have to go around and complete specific tasks.  This is the first mission though that ive seen like it, and its kinda of a way to force you to explore Freeplay and explore the world, so I dont mind it.  


    If the Chest this is more a bug where u dont get credit, the yeah, thats dumb.  Otherwise, its just forcing you to play the game and explore the world a bit.


    Some of the tasks ive seen, Get 30 Melee kills, Get 50 Gun Kills, Kill Elites, Get kills with Super, Do 5 World Events....


    Its not like its these crazy things.. You get a chest each world event anyway.

  9. The more ive played the more its grown on me.  I'm much more comfortable with the controls now, and as you get to higher level Agility it really starts to shine.  


    I'ts just good mindless fun.  When the music kicks in too, and some of the action picks up, its just feels really good to jump around, zooming around, nailing shots, or blowing shit up.  


    I play on Legendary and its a good challenge at parts.  I wasnt really pumped for this at all but I'm glad I gave it go.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 18 hours ago, DarkStar189 said:

    Definitely. This isnt like Call of Duty either. I can't pick the same gun every game so I can look at my expensive gun skin. Spend $10 on a skin that you might see if you find the gun while looting in the game... I don't see the appeal at all. 


    Fortnite Skins are anywhere from $5.00 to $20.00.  Most are roughly $8-$15.00.  You can see the billions that Fortnite makes to get an idea of how many people are buying them.  


    Apex is very different though, as in Apex you can earn Crates and Crafting Materials just from playing.  The Valentines Day skins not being craftable sucked.  Overwatch uses largely the same Loot Crate/Crafting Model and they allow the seasonal skins to be crafted.  


    Most streamers that are showcasing their gameplay on Stream like to have those skins, show them off, let their audience see them.  I've bought a lot of Cosmetics in a lot of game, way more than I ever should, but whatever, I enjoy the games a lot, so it is what it is.


    There also is a special 1/500 pack you can get for a "Heirloom" Pack for Wraith, which gives you a Melee weapon that she runs around with instead of being bare fist.  It doesn't do more damage obviously, but looks cool.  

  11. Yeah, its absolutely beautiful.  The world they created makes me want to explore, but dumb 10 hour limit..... UGH.  If I preorder the damn game let me keep playing, you have the sale already, why limit me to 10 hours.


    Even small tasks, like scavenging materials has purpose.  It all contributes towards faction rating, and I even found 800 coins once randomly scavenging a plant.  (I'm not sure I hit some Milestone on a challenge to get that, or if you can randomly get coins used to buy the cosmetics form just exploring and scavenging).  Weekly Faction rewards give you coins as well, and it seems like the more people on your friends list, the more coins you get as well based on their contributions to the weekly score.


    It looks like theres a lot to do, and a lot to really dive into.  So far so good.  


    Had to force myself to stop playing.


    Only concern so far is its felt far too easy, even on Hard.  But it is very early into the game.

  12. 14 minutes ago, nublood said:

    Any console users in here have the full game yet? Does it run noticeably better than the demo?


    Fort Tarsis is smooth now, no hitchy framerates.  No issues at all with performance so far for me.  I'm also not hugely picky on framerates so i dont really notice small dips though.


    I'm loving it so far.

  13. Reviews read exactly as I predicted and said were my worries. 


    Its not a bad game, its just a better version of the original game, which just isn't up to today's standards.  Too many other open world sandbox games that do all the crazy stuff the original game did.  Especially with Spiderman coming out last year, this game just looks so outdated.  


    I'll still check it out, but its about what I expected to see.  The multiplayer was pretty bad from what  I played in the server tests.


    They'd be better served to just make a new Blast Corps type game with that destruction than trying to shoehorn it into Crackdown PvP.

  14. 19 minutes ago, atom631 said:



    This is where Im at as well. Loved D1. D2 feels promising, but I was bored playing the demo...it was more of the same. I didnt even play it on the last day and opted to play something else..whereas with Anthem, I was playing right until they shut down the servers. 


    Ill still get it bc it looks beautiful and Im intrigued enough to play the full version, but Im just not excited for it. 




    You on Xbox too right, not too sure how many of my friends are into Anthem and Division so ill have to add some people here probably.

  15. Im very mixed on this game.  I put a lot of time into the first, and enjoyed it quite a bit, but I'm not all that excited for this one.  


    I did the end game stuff finally, and it really wasn't anything new or that interesting.  Just spammed drones coming at me every 2 seconds.  


    I think they did do a good job with a lot of what they did, but if the core gameplay feels a bit old and tired already, will all the extra stuff really matter.

  16. 21 hours ago, atom631 said:


    It said all levels were normalized...but some of these dudes were running around with blues and purples. 


    So far, I haven’t gotten anything above geeen. 


    Did you change your character when you finished the demo to the Specialized Classes, they have Purples and Yellows. Not sure if you can use them in the 4x4? 


    If not, have u run the dark zone, maybe they drop in there?

  17. 3 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


    I know, so it will be less successful by default.

    I'm just saying, is anyone going to jump over to that? Will people even bother? Will it be good enough that people won't want to play Apex?


    Ya I agree, i doubt people will buy BFV for it with Apex out. Maybe before people wouldve been willing to try it to get someting fresh.  


    Could the bad earnings call pushed APEX out sooner than they initially wanted?  Thats why it was so sudden?

  18. 1 hour ago, Keyser_Soze said:

    So it will be interesting to see what happens to BFV when their BR mode drops. Did EA cannibalize their own game by releasing this? There's no way BF BR mode is going to be more popular than this. :p


    Well BFV isnt free.  At this point all it can do it help BFV though.  I still think it'll be a worthwhile BR cause Battlefield does some some amazing gameeplay.

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