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Everything posted by Hand76

  1. Guy on Reddit playing leaked version says the game is much darker/less peaceful/and some parts unnerving compared to Botw. Not MM impending doom scary but one of the darker Nintendo games. My balls are ready
  2. Steam: Hand76 Going to look back through this thread and add a bunch of peeps
  3. Into Chapter 5. Knew to clear the lake but there are are parts of the village that are blocked off now right after getting Ashley. The abandoned factor and Valley are blocked by a tree for absolutely no reason. I don't know why this was a design choice. It's a terrible one. Several items down there I'll never be able to pickup. Sucks. And it's not in any of the guides I saw that talk about points of no return
  4. So far after just hitting play I haven't experienced any crashes or performance issues so I don't care so much. If I start experiencing problems I'll just add the line to the launcher to bypass it. If that still works
  5. I'm looking to start playing Bioshock and Mafia remastered. Saw the new 2K launcher popup, just hit play and the game loaded up. On the title screen it shows the game is not linked to 2K (I don't have a 2K account) Can I keep skipping the option to make an account and just play on in peace? I'm sure I already know the answer to this but are there any advantages to making an account and linking them?
  6. I may one day get the trilogy remastered but I've heard mixed opinions. Is it 2 and 3 that have basically been remastered from the console version? So backwards 😂
  7. So while going though my Steam collection and playing a bunch of older games that I beat back in the day but never on Steam I finally got around to the original Crysis. Turns out they updated the game in January and officially added 64-bit support! Crazy man just crazy Of course the game still won't play and will just crash because fuck you that's why. But for anyone interested the 2nd and 3rd steps here take 1 minute to do and will get you up and running.
  8. Just beat the game today. Unlocked 40 achievements. Overall game was great. I might be late to the party but I'm guessing a patch fixed the freezes I was getting the first few days? Al of a sudden they stopped. I'm not going to do NG+. Towards the end things started to become a little redundant so I'm good leaving off where I am. Now bring on my RE4
  9. From what I'm seeing the map shows rooms with security clearance levels, lockers do not show up on the map. That's sucks. Btw using the map sucks ass. Having to use the arrow keys. What year is this?
  10. So security clearance in this game is new? I don't remember it. Problem is you don't get certain clearance to lockers and stuff till later in the game. Does the map here mark rooms that items still exist? How am I going to remember where to backtrack to? And while asking this I might as well ask something else. Since this game wants you to go back to previous levels do enemies respawn?
  11. I'm sorry the PC port is a little sloppy. The stuttering/freezing shouldn't be happening at all. Seems to occur when loading new areas. This is unacceptable especially when you have a minute+ of loading shaders on launch
  12. It's still very much a remaster. I'm talking about a proper remake. One where Valve is actually involved, one where things that were once square and blocky are now round. Everything redone The game deserves that
  13. Thought the same, but, thinking the same makes me want this less lol Do remakes for the games that can truely benefit from them. Original Half Life, Deus Ex, Zelda OOT completely overhauled would be insane
  14. Just finished up my multiplayer stats for MK 8. Now this took some work. If any dev ever saw my saved game files they would probably think I cheated lol
  15. The last challenges was losing an additional 9 games to get my total play time to end in an even number. BTW percentages/kills per game/match scores dont both me cause those are techincally out of my contol if my other numbers are right
  16. Every time I finish a game my stats have to look good. Register right in my mind. I like even numbers but ending in a 5 also sits just right with me. I suffered probabably about 40-50 extra loses (just exiting matches) and 100-200 more deaths on purpose just to get these to numbers to where they needed to be for me to be Im content. And now I can unisntall and move on to the next game that I will enjoy till I have to do the same tedious tasks. Probably the craziest thing I did here (besides all of this lol) was not use any of my killstreaks cause when I got 5 with each of the defualt ones and I said that just looks right and dont use them ever again for any reason ever.
  17. Haha great question. 100% done. Recent exceptions that had me saying omg nooooo... Mario Kart 8 when all my stats were perfect and they announced the 6 wave bundle pack.. Who could see that coming? And Far Cry 6 with the new Lost Worlds Dlc that no one asked for. Luckily I've recovered from that one lol
  18. That actually doesn't bother me. Just nice looking numbers. Just the way it sits "right" in my mind
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