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Everything posted by johnny

  1. Also they should maybe try actually promoting things instead of putting at the top for like one day, if that. I have it in my list so idk if it was even advertised on Netflix to people who didn’t see it. I hadn’t even heard of the thing until like a month after season 2 came out.
  2. I mean he raised a gigantic undead army to do the fighting for him
  3. This show was awesome. Netflix is dumb. Sacrifice some of your shitty shows instead.
  4. Cersei has that big crossbow thing that can supposedly kill a dragon
  5. What if Cersei dies by Dany getting Elephants on her side and one tramples her
  6. Yeah we had those small hero moments but we didn’t get anything that was a “tide is turning” moment. NK army stomped them and they could really only delay the inevitable throughout the episode.
  7. Idk man she’s old as fucking shit maybe she wanted to die after she did what she was supposed to.
  8. Idk she fulfilled her purpose and maybe her magic was running out with it taking so long to light the trench. So she takes the jewel off and that’s that.
  9. I think it’s clear they added Ghost to two scenes just so fans can see him lol
  10. Yeah, and it seems like their army was annihilated. Yara and some of the Ironborn plus whatever scraps they have left (plus drogon, but injured?) is all they have unless I’m forgetting something
  11. Arya EARNED that moment. So fucking well done. If anybody is mad about it being a one hit KO nothing will change your mind but NK was so OP with his army there had to be “something” unless he was going to wipe everybody out and take the throne. Arya coulda have been the only one to do that. All she’s been through. All her training. Nobody else would have been able to blow by his generals and army to get that close. It had to be her. And Cersei has been that bitch since day 1 so let’s fucking go finish her
  12. I was in our “main” theatre where the bathroom is right next to it. People who were quick probably didn’t miss much.
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