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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. Is there a material difference between saying, "Much of this is financial bad things," and agreeing with someone who says it? Asking for a friend. I love you, too.
  2. Just watched the trailer. That was one of the coolest and most unique games I've ever fucking seen and I can't wait for hands-on impressions later this year.
  3. Because you upvoted a post that says much of this is people being bad with money. When the factors range from shitty pay, student loan debt, lack of upward mobility, inability to find work, health trouble, high medical costs, and an array of problems, there's no reason to single out that reason for being much of the reason.
  4. That money issues weren't relevant at all. I don't think it's relevant to bring it up due to the fact that for most people, spending $400 in an emergency is something that'll give them a panic attack/anxiety, and it's distracting so people don't talk about bad pay, income inequality, high medical expenses, inflation, and lackluster upward mobility. You're the only one who's having trouble following this. In fact, I'll go further: the fact that you say, "$400 is small look at the fed report," is, imo, the reason populism is on the rise. You're rolling in money from the theater business that you're out-of-touch as to what's actually small as if you forgot what being poor means, so you look at a Fed report for a comparison. And one further: never cite a Fed report to tell someone how much money is small and how much isn't. If a significant amount of people can't clear that $400 bar, then nobody cares what the Fed says about that $400. It's the same strain of attitude that infests, "Hey, the economy is doing great how can you not find a job?!" without realizing how many different financial backgrounds Americans have.
  5. And...? "Things in the country can be bad and people can be terrible with money at the same time. It certainly is not one or the other." "Then I don't see the relevance in bringing it up besides to be distracting?" Most posters seemed to understand this post on the first go: Most of us have met that guy who goes, "herp derp stop buying iphones." That's how your posts come across. Hence why it's distracting to core issues that prevent people who try to save from saving. That you think $400 is "relatively small" is revealing and may be why you're so focused on people and not the system.
  6. There's a thick irony in accusing someone else of arguing against things you never said and then saying this. WOOSH!
  7. inb4muellersayshereadsdayonepatchandwantstoshowthatthingshappensohewhipsouthispenis
  8. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/05/29/special-counsel-robert-mueller-to-make-statement-wednesday-on-the-russia-probe.html
  9. No, the long track record is you being so needlessly vague explaining yourself that it's a page of the other person figuring you out, and you're smart enough to know you're needlessly vague about it. You literally upvoted a post that said much of this was people bad with money and now you're claiming that's not the point you were making. Hilariously, much of the thread is in agreement with me, yet you're the one who's confused by my posts. If you want people to not "make up" what you're saying (because you go through this same song and dance with almost everyone on the board, you've been called out as such, and you're smart enough to know that despite trying to bring this on me), be specific and stop with the one-line responses that barely flesh out whatever point you're making. Even this response of yours barely says anything. Furthermore, it can't be relatively small and "not peanuts." You have a warped view of what "relatively small" is, which is probably why the point you keep repeating isn't the problem with health care but a response similar to one I've heard for years from conservatives, "If you didn't buy that iPhone and Latte, you'd be fine!"
  10. Yes, I really am as you're very clearly putting the onus on bad spending as you have a history of doing. You upvoted a similar post in this thread. You're saying $400 is relatively small. Then you said $400 actually being a lot to people is "the point." None of this makes any sense; it's like you're doubling down on a point you didn't think through. And now you're getting personal. BORING.
  11. No, it's not, because you think much of it is just bad management and not a very shitty system.
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