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Posts posted by SaysWho?

  1. 2 minutes ago, thewhyteboar said:



    Kansas has been one of the most fascinating states for me since reading What's The Matter With Kansas years ago. There were some big progressives initiatives that took place in that state. The suburbs have really trended Democratic in Kansas, and with Democrats' ability to actually be competitive in statewide or Senate elections (not always winning, but most certainly competitive), I've long wondered if there could be an eventual path in that state despite its voting history for Republicans. 

  2. 36 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

    Early voting numbers are probably skewing Biden...


    One thing I was thinking about the other day: The Electoral College is fucked, right? The only people that want to keep it in place are Republicans, because that's what helps to keep them in power. However, by keeping it, they're basically giving enough rope to hang themselves with. Texas will eventually turn blue (probably not this election, but the fact that Texas is even becoming a battleground state is telling), and once Texas flips, that's basically a nail in the coffin for the Republican party. Without California, New York, or Texas, they'll never win another presidential race again.


    Nevada is a different beast. You can tell how it'll vote by the early vote, the only state you can do this. Ralston is an expert at this.

  3. 2 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:


    I appreciate that! But I no longer feel understood by IGN/BadCartridge/D1P, and I don't feel close to the users here anymore. Maybe because I'm not on Discord, or don't play games online with other users here, whatever it is. But I feel more often misunderstood and misinterpreted than anything else, and people clearly don't see any longer what I mean or where I come from.


    I take time to respond carefully (to one degree or another) and I see most of that work is kind of pointless. Not to derail the thread or anything. :p 


    Brah you're fine. Post.


    48 minutes ago, Squeesnightmare said:


    As someone else who only lurks (to an unhealthy degree), I can't say I've really seen evidence of any sort of "silencing campaign". If anything, people otherwise saying "No matter what, Trump will probably remain president (somehow)" seem to be in a majority. If not, they're quite vocal. 


    This place has been very dramatic, and I almost feel like some users thrive off the chaos. "Nothing matters!" seems to have been the unofficial slogan of this board for at least the past year. It can become overwhelming, and without calling anyone out personally, it does seem to be impacting some users negatively. 


    I think everyone is wary of what Trump might try to pull, but until it happens it's not "news", it's wild speculation.... and it's been speculated, constantly. If anything, I'd say it's harder to be optimistic about a Biden win around here. I, personally, don't see what good it does to "constantly redress" when the only purpose it serves it to cause anxiety. 


    But hey, what the hell do I know? 


    Holy shit this is exactly it. YES.

  4. I'm getting back to just straight election news. I love y'all, but as I've said so many times, this is just exhausting to talk about ad nauseum. In 2016, it did end up sucking wind, but all the time I wasted being anxious the 10 days after the Comey letter was time I could have spent just doing shit and not worrying about something out of my control.


    If you're nervous, do what Wade's doing and volunteer and forget about the what ifs on Election Day. I admire that he thinks bad shit's gonna happen but that he's getting out there to make a difference, you know?




  5. Just now, Spork3245 said:

    Of course it’s not guaranteed to happen, and I don’t 100% believe it even will. I’m only arguing that the concern is not illegitimate.


    I'm saying there's no point in continuing to talk about it here. There's no point in worrying about something that's not even a guarantee to occur; it makes more sense to talk about this if there's actually shenanigans to talk about.


    It's Groundhog's Day ITT every time we talk about SCOTUS and the election.

  6. 51 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

    This board, man :lol:

    Fight the good fight @PaladinSolo


    I lost the energy so long ago. There's no point regurgitating the same fears over and over and over and over and over. The conversation doesn't change, so why relitigate it here?


    I'm this close to making an ***OFFICIAL THEORIES ABOUT BAD THINGS HAPPENING AFTER ELECTION DAY*** thread so people can expend their energy fearing something not guaranteed to happen.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 2
  7. 1 minute ago, Emperor Diocletian II said:

    Seriously, guys - if you have the time, volunteer for a shift at either the MN or PA phonebanks that I posted earlier!


    Honestly if it weren't for my job, I'd volunteer for a campaign easy-peasy. I hate telling the people who text/call me no, but they usually understand the conflict of interest part. 

  8. 1030_POLLA-16x9-1.png?w=575

    Welcome to Pollapalooza, our weekly polling roundup. Poll(s) of the week American voters are fired up to cast their ballots. And many already have, in record nu…




    "Speaking of young people, a survey of about 2,000 18- to 29-year-olds from the Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics found that the level of enthusiasm to vote among that demographic was about 16 percentage points higher than it was in 2016. In fact, this level of enthusiasm mirrored what Harvard found in 2008. Respondents were also asked about whether their opportunities to succeed were better than their parents’ generation, and responses were split, with 36 percent saying they were better, 34 percent saying they were worse, and 29 percent saying their opportunities were about the same."

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