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Chickenstrip you so crazy

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Everything posted by Chickenstrip you so crazy

  1. I feel like I'm cheating. I mean, why play any other way. Monte Carlo / One two punch shotty / Peregrine Grieves with top tree hammer titan. 400,000 damage anytime I want it. IT'S MADNESS
  2. So true, the ability to be constantly rewarded for whatever activity to want to invest your time in is fantastic. Not having to do ALL activities unless you need those powerful engrams is a huge quality of life improvement.
  3. Yep, downloading on PC, apparently xbl is only crashed on console. Yay cross save.
  4. After hundreds of hours on console... this game feels and plays like a brand new game with Kb/M and unlimited fps. I took a hiatus with Opulence until cross save, now I'm balls deep again. Also, RIP Cayde - never forget.
  5. I may or may not have taken Friday off to play early with Game Pass Ultimate. It's a co-op favorite with my buds, and we've been playing together since the original!
  6. Finished my 2nd play through of Witcher 3, got one of the good endings, so good having had the worst ending my first run back when the game came out. Started Hearts of Stone, great so far.
  7. It is very similar to Layers in terms of game play and the world, I loved Observer - stick with it if you can get past the motion sickness, great game. Crazy stories to unfold behind those doors.
  8. Taking a long break from Destiny 2 to finish Witcher 3 for the second time so I can finally play the DLC content. It blows my mind how perfect of a game CDPR can create. Playing some Overwatch as well.
  9. It is incredible how well CE still holds up. With MCC I played CE through in a couple of days but the rest of the games haven't seen much love. They lack the magic of the original. Regardless of the campaigns, I still hop into MCC multiplayer about once a week - no matter what version game gets selected in matchmaking, Halo still has some of the best multiplayer to date. Really excited for the collection to hit PC.
  10. I replayed Mass Effect so many times I can’t remeber, the sequels though enough to see the alternate endings. I used to replay a lot of games, usually now it’s one and done.
  11. I appreciate it but I’ll keep trucking on the Xbox. All my friends are there and I’m in a great, very active clan. Seriously, thanks for the offer though!
  12. Life escalated quickly lol married and an 8 month old, sprinkled with lots of work travel has kept me busy. I only have time for one game and that’s Destiny 2 ??
  13. Looking forward to working on those armor sets, loving the grind since Warmind! still need to grab that whisper of worms sniper not enough time in the weekends, but that's dad life for ya.
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