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Everything posted by Chairslinger

  1. Congressional Republicans are quiet right now, but keep an eye out for the defense that is coming. I beleive it will be a gaslighting masterstroke to rival anything Trump has done. They will argue that even if Trump did break the law, the president can't be indicted for it, so it must not be bad enough to impeach him for.... In other words, a complete runaround the entire point of giving Congress the impeachment power.
  2. When conservatives take the only road left for them, which is that Cohen maliciously paid off these women at his own behest just for fun and Trump had nothing to do with it....let's remember the "bring me a Coke" tape.
  3. Because Republicans are scared of the Donald Trump cult that they recklessly helped create with decades of toxic rhetoric.
  4. Sources close to the President are saying that he now regrets hasty decision to use the last wish on his monkey paw last week; "I wish something would distract people from these Omarosa tapes."
  5. Naw, that would take a miniscule amount of human decency that is anathema to anyone on Trump's team. Manafort would offer his daughters to his cellmates and Fox News could call it Biblical because of Genesis 19.
  6. Either Manafort wasn't offered a plea deal at all, he's all in betting on a pardon, or there's some truth to the idea that he's not doing it for Trump he's terrified of a Russian Polonium cake. At 70 years old, why would he sacrifice even 5 years for Donald Trump?
  7. I wonder if, after a hard day of lying for Trump, Sanders goes home to some comfort food and they have to feed her like the Velociraptor in Jurrassic Park.
  8. Maybe, but when it comes to bank fraud, tax fraud, and hiding foreign bank accounts.....
  9. Guiliani: Mueller needs to do what he's going to do before Labor Day! *Today* Guiliani: Let me rephrase that....
  10. I am curious to hear whether those 10 counts that got held up were due to just one juror. The prosecution seemed to have Manafort dead to rights, but maybe the media didn't do a good enough job breaking down how strong of a case each count had. Because if it were just one Trumpkin pooping in the punchbowl, I then why guilty on 8 counts? Also, about that Tweet that claims that the counts they didn't get him on mean little in a practical sense, does anyone have the actual breakdown of the time ranges Manafort is now facing and how that compares to what it would have been if they had got him on all 18?
  11. If there were a devil, I think I would sell my soul to make that the n-word tape. But with the stipulation that Trump says it 8 times. For symmetry.
  12. Kal says we're not allowed to celebrate until Trump is locked up and being spanked for being such a bad boy. And even then, Stormy says he kind of enjoys that.
  13. Right. Am I wrong, or would anyone who's not the president be expecting an imminent indictment right now?
  14. I know this pretty obvious, but it is worth mentioning anyway. With a guy like Manafort legal observers basically said, "There aren't too many bigger fish than him. If Mueller is using him to get to someone else it almost has to be Trump or a member of his family". With Cohen, you remove almost all doubt. If you give Cohen a deal, Donald Trump is very, very likely the bigger fish you are aiming for.
  15. I wonder what names Trump called Cohen in private today that are totally ok because his daughter married a Jew.
  16. He fancy's himself a Roman Emperor asking the crowd if he should give a thumbs up or down. I was going to say that I am surprised he hasn't done more pardons because it gives him that feeling. But I realized after he got through the list of criminal buddies that sent a message to his other criminal buddies pardoning isn't fun for Trump because it's not punitive enough. Where's the fun in pardoning people? That's too close to helping someone! This new toy is way more fun because he thinks it's punishment.
  17. The longer Trump's presidency goes on, the more I think to myself that maybe cutters have the right idea.
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