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Guillotine Operator
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. They'd still take up an inordinate amount of space but yes this would be a good idea.
  2. Take your average driver and stick them in their own personal electric plane, what could possibly go wrong?
  3. Trains go from city center to city center. No TSA line and not having an hourlong slog on both ends of the trip is way better than dealing with flights and it's insane that flying is the best option for a trip like Los Angeles to San Francisco. This is in fact what the main problem with the California HSR has been, just endless lawsuits over the land acquisition. No shit it costs more to acquire the land now than 5-10 years ago.
  4. Really incredible turn of events. A couple of weeks ago Matt created a map overlaying the draft inventory for the housing element update with a historical redlining map for Santa Monica: He then submitted it to the Planning Commission as public comment on their housing element update meeting. This led to one of the planning commissioners running with the idea and doing a lot more research about our historically racist zoning practices. This leads to Both the planning commissioner who ran with what Matt submitted and McKeown are major NIMBYs. But the context on the redlining history seems like it really created a breakthrough by pushing the white guilt buttons hard.
  5. A couple of weeks ago I was already seeing reports of private medical practices being willing to go off-label on giving the vaccines to kids a year or two below the official age thresholds for the vaccines.
  6. The climax of the first one is literally the first five minutes of the movie. It just fails at being a movie, period.
  7. Go for the neck or the eyeballs and you don't need to get leverage with your other hand.
  8. The Fourth Surge of the Pandemic Is Upon Us - The Atlantic WWW.THEATLANTIC.COM A deadlier and more transmissible variant has taken root, but now we have the tools to stop it if we want.
  9. In all seriousness I'd buy one to put under my KF94 as long as it doesn't interfere with the KF94 (which it looks like it doesn't), it looks like it's a lot easier to get a good seal with one of those around the nose area, which is a consistent problem I've had with every mask I've tried.
  10. This is what it looks like now, still undersized sidewalks for the amount of foot traffic it gets though! (Bike lane on the left is two way but as you can imagine with that post spacing it constantly has cars in it, including city vehicles.)
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