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Guillotine Operator
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. That article links to this timeline of accusations...which leaves out the one that turned out to be some right-wing blogger (who calls Bill O'Reilly getting fired a "scalping") complaining that one time Franken was a jerk about making sure she knew she'd lost an argument with him. It seems like people forgot about it since it was such a huge nothingburger, but the fact that it was piled on so quickly after Tweeden's claim is an important part of understanding why it was so obviously a ratfuck. And speaking of ratfucks, I see the Atlantic article also leaves out the part where Roger Stone had advance knowledge of what was coming.
  2. "People are unhappy that inventory items don't stack? Let's just get rid of the inventory!" "People are unhappy that most of the planets you can take the MAKO down to are identical boring blobs? Let's just get rid of the MAKO instead of doing fewer but more interesting planets!"
  3. Euro summer nights are fucking long as shit. It was super trippy being in Brussels in July and realizing it was still twilight at, like, 10:30 PM.
  4. The Brexit vote was a non-binding referendum. The UK government never actually had to honor the results.
  5. I just edited some of the discussion of what the actual threat is.
  6. Looks like Trump is listening to Gingrich again: I haven't read the specific book in question, but I've read other books by the author, and boy was I surprised when I saw him thanking Newt in the acknowledgements at the start of the book. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2019/03/trump-signs-executive-order-to-make-america-resilient-to-emps/
  7. Reminds me of the House and Senate GOP going back and forth with "look, we'll pass the ACA repeal bill only if you promise not to pass it too!!!"
  8. "You'd better make me a promise you won't have to keep once I'm out of office!"
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