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Everything posted by Joe

  1. In other words, it seems like the blue areas got bluer (good!), but the purple areas got redder (bad!).
  2. Also, what AOC said, much as I love her, is meaningless. If progressive Dems beat out establishment Dems in very blue areas, that's awesome! But of course those Dems were never going to be in danger of losing their seats in the general. Now if someone has data that shows progressive Dems beating out establishment Dems and winning the general in purple districts then that obviously changes things. But I'm fairly certain that did not happen.
  3. Donald Trump got 70 million votes. We don't need them, he says, What a joke.
  4. Reading this thread it's not hard to see why Dems got slaughtered down ballot.
  5. Border security should definitely be a priority for Democrats. I think now that we don't have an outwardly racist President, we can discuss these things without bringing up absurd solutions like a freaking wall.
  6. I have so many questions that I want answered already lo. Could this be a border town issue in Texas? From that map, it seems that the parts bordering Chihuaha and Coahuila made the hardest shifts.
  7. bighead(@okbighead) on TikTok: i’m just posting whatever at this point VM.TIKTOK.COM i’m just posting whatever at this point
  8. You wear a condom with your wife?!
  9. I don't think it's fair to blame the left at all, but I do think that "defund the police" hurt Democrats this year. Time will tell, I suppose.
  10. Thanks! When my wife saw the margins in Ohio, she basically told me in Spanish, "Wow looks like your calls did shit!" Oh well, I'd do it again!
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