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Everything posted by outsida

  1. 1. Perjury at your direction 2. Embezzled money from your conspiracy to hack online polls....
  2. I don’t know what you’re talking about? What other instances have I attacked someone for something said in the ignorance of youth? Also, I called Tulsi a political chameleon because she hasn’t shown any contrition or growth just political expediency. Posting the video highlights that this is the real her and she hasn’t changed.
  3. Some of the things we were “roped into in high school” are the things we believe for life. She wasn’t just “ewww gay marriage is nasty”, she was an anti-gay activist.
  4. She was like 17/18 at the time of the video... I don’t know why it be “leave it to outsida”. Tulsi and her family are political chameleons who are instinctively on the wrong side of many important issues.
  5. Tesla isn’t manufacturing demand they are meeting the latent demand that others ignored because it conflicted with their current source of income. This is is how companies die. They ignore the future for the now and the expedient. Blockbuster had the option of buying Netflix but Netflix’s businesses model conflict with their established business model of making profits on late fees.
  6. This is wrong. Previously automakers were supplying only the amount of EVs needed to meet the demands of emission laws. That’s why 99% of previous EVs were crappy cars that you could only buy lease in California. Compliance Car
  7. If the major car companies knew what they were doing then Tesla wouldn’t exist. As it stands Tesla is too valuable for any major car company to purchase.
  8. Fiscal conservative... Now where’s the $5 billion for his steel slatted fence!!!11
  9. If you look under “Forces of nature, war, or legal intervention” you see huge blooms for years 2001(9/11), 2005(Katrina), and 2011(Super outbreak of tornadoes). It’s funny how we didn’t declare war on global warming after the later two events.
  10. Just a reminder Schumer was going to give trump $20billion for his wall in exchange for daca and President Deals said no.
  11. 1918, Members of Europe’s far right are boycotting a popular candy brand when it became public that the treats were kosher.
  12. Britain is on the brink of economic Armageddon and they find it more productive to argue whether Jeremy called a stupid woman ‘stupid woman’? I know Theresa is thin-skinned and was caught on film bitching out the EU president for calling her ‘nebulous’, but OMFG!
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