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Revisited: Man of Steel

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Man of Steel is terrible.  


You can wave off single things like the city getting ruined and Superman killing of Zod in a vacuum, but the bigger problem of MoS is that Snyder fundamentally does not understand Superman at all.  It's not exactly surprising that an Ayn Rand dick rider like Snyder doesn't grasp the core concept of Superman, it's also the biggest problem I had with Watchmen as Snyder clearly seems to think that Rorschach is actually a hero.  The idea of selfless sacrifice and taking on the burden of the world on your shoulders for the sake of other is utterly foreign to Snyder.  For fuck's sake, a major story beat in the movie is Superman's adoptive dad telling his son to let him die because the alternative might make his son's life annoying and inconvenient.  The MoS Superman is someone who does what he wants to because he can and people should let him because he's better than them.  


On top of that, every plot point in the movie relies on everyone to make the stupidest possible decision at every given moment to propel it forward.  Hey remember when Zod demanded that Lois Lane, a human he never met and had no interest in whatsoever demanded she be brought on board his ship because the script needed someone else to be there in ten minutes?  How about the entire central conflict of the movie revolving around the fact that Kal-El has to kill Zod and the remaining Kryptonians because Zod apparently can't move his car once it's been parked.  If at any point someone just said "Hey, why don't we just leave this planet we don't give a fuck about at all and choose any of the trillions of other planets in the galaxy and he'll give us what we want" then no fighting is necessary.  Superman took his father's sacrifice to heart and keeps himself hidden, except when someone messes with a chick he finds hot, then he'll destroy and entire truck and a shit load of tax funded infrastructure very visibly.  That doesn't even count annoying little nitpicks like Kryptonians speaking English or getting their powers in five minutes as opposed to Clark's dozen or so years.  Oh, and finally let's not forget some of the incredibly subtle Christ imagery all over the thing.


It's a shit movie.

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