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Texas executes white supremacist who dragged black man to death

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25 minutes ago, Jose said:

I feel like I'm coming as as a Boyle here so apologies, but I really dont understand where the line is where we care if some killers die, but not others.


12 minutes ago, Jose said:


It's not about not caring whether they live or die. When that piece of shit dies, I wont care. But I'll certainly care that the government killed him, if that makes sense

I reallllllly don't know how I can elaborate further on my position, but I'll try, though I'll mostly be repeating myself. Again.


I'm more ambivalent on the death penalty in theory. I think some people commit crimes so horrific and they'll never be rehabilitated and will always pose a danger to society. In which case, they can remain locked away for the rest of their lives to protect society. But if they die, I'm not going to be bothered by it. There's an argument to be made on what's more cruel, a life in confinement or death, but that's another rabbit hole to go down.


In practice, the death penalty primarily affects minorities, the poor, and generally disadvantaged, so it's not really just in our justice system. I also think the system isn't perfect and innocent people have been executed and I'm not okay with that. It's also a really expensive practice, far more than life in prison, so it's impractical on that front, too. And regardless of what crimes people have committed, I'm not comfortable with people being tortured before they die, which can happen in these executions. So in practice, I'm generally opposed to the death penalty. I think there are too many issues with it, so I'd be fine with it going away completely. 


That doesn't mean I care about white supremacists or baby rapists/killers or whatever other scum of society like that and I'm not bothered they're no longer existing.

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8 hours ago, Jose said:

If you have a moral objection to the death penalty in some cases, you should have it in all cases. 

No, because i'm fine with it in cases where we 100% know who the perpetrators are. The Byrd killers, Timothy McVeigh, school shooters etc. I don't care if they die, i'm fine with the state killing them. Some people don't deserve a next breath. 


I just think we need some kind of standard of evidence for the death penalty. I'm fine with it in clear cut cases where there is no possibility the wrong person was convicted. 

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All standards of evidence are subjective.  Trying to nail down some sort of infalible standard of guilt for when we can execute people is a fool's errand because even if you could create some purely objective test, the ones administering that test are still human beings.


The death penalty serves no purpose.  It does not deter crime, it does not protect the public, it's just pure and simple revenge which shouldn't be the goal of a justice system.  

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