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Ring of Elysium (Battle Royale)


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So I kind of held off on this one because BR is a tired genre already and a lot of them have been dying off pretty quickly (Islands of Nyne just stopped development, but servers are still live). I saw IGN throw out a review for this on twitter and decided I'd give it a go.


Honestly it runs great, it looks as good as any other BR game on the market (though the character models look really good, at least in the menu). I ran a few solo games and didn't really get anywhere, but I got a buddy to download it with me (F2P) and we had a pretty good time in the game we played. There is 3 different starting kits that you can pick from (Glider, Pistol) (Snowboard, Pistol) (Climbing Gear, Shotgun). The Snowboard seems like the most useful is most situations, but spawning with a shotgun in a hot drop wouldn't be a terrible idea. Not sure I'm a really big fan of how the game ends though. The goal is to hop onto a helicopter and escape YMIR (the map slowly gets colder and colder and you have to stay in the warm regions to continue).

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52 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


It's free to play now. I think it was pay for early access.

Seemed like a lot of people fell off this one pretty quickly though.

34k playing an hour ago

39k 24 hour peak


Its population is doing well enough for now. I'm sure it will fall off in time though. Seems like people just keep going back to PUBG.

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8 hours ago, Nokt said:

Its population is doing well enough for now. I'm sure it will fall off in time though. Seems like people just keep going back to PUBG.


Well it was an interesting novelty because it was basically like PUBG with a snow map. But now PUBG has a snow map so there's no reason to play this game now. :p

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1 hour ago, Keyser_Soze said:

Well it was an interesting novelty because it was basically like PUBG with a snow map. But now PUBG has a snow map so there's no reason to play this game now. :p

The new mode that supposedly comes out today takes the snow a step further. You have to find like food and warmth to stay alive during the night gamemode. Not sure if I'm really into that or not. I'm also not a huge fan of how there is only 40ish people per match. Why not 80 or 100? They do have lots of vehicles and modes of transportation, but still I end good matches with 3-5 kills. Some games I get a single kill.

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20 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:


It's free to play now. I think it was pay for early access.

Seemed like a lot of people fell off this one pretty quickly though.


That and there was the whole data collection bullshit that was reported.

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