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Idaho to send Mike Lindell bill for election audit

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"This allegation was patently without merit from the first look," Idaho's Chief Deputy Secretary of State Chad Houck said.



Idaho's Chief Deputy Secretary of State Chad Houck, a Republican, blamed My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell for causing his state to carry out manual recounts in several counties to fact-check his groundless election fraud claims—saying that the state would send the Trump loyalist a bill for the costs incurred.


Lindell has alleged—without providing substantiating evidence—that former President Donald Trump lost the 2020 election to President Joe Biden due to massive voter fraud. The conspiracy theorist has claimed that voting systems were hacked by China, which election officials across the country have rejected as false.


"We actually will be totaling up the expenses that were incurred in the [review] process, and we will be sending him [Lindell] a bill," Houck told CNN on Thursday. He said there was "no validity" to any of the claims made by the My Pillow CEO and that the recent review in Idaho had demonstrated that.


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