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US Employers are BAFFLED as unemployment benefits end but people still won't take crappy jobs

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Emergency unemployment benefits in the U.S. expired two weeks ago, but employers who expected an increase in job applications are still largely waiting for them to roll in.

Federal programs that had offered an extra $300 per week for jobless Americans, provided extended benefits for the long-term unemployed and gave special aid for the self-employed expired Sept. 6. Economists and companies expected a wave of interest from workers as the financial lifeline was pulled away, hoping it would provide the incentive to get back into the workplace.



That hasn't happened, according to employers across industries.

"People who have been on the sidelines have by and large stayed on the sidelines," said Richard Wahlquist, president of the American Staffing Association, the country's largest recruitment-industry group. "Nothing has changed in regard to the benefits that have fallen off and the need for people continues to grow."


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Actually an alternative could be Bracero Program 2021. During the great depression the USA deported American Mexicans saying they were illegal and blaming them for the Great Depression (The Mexican Repatriation) Then WW2 happened and all of a sudden there was no one left to do work and they had to cut a deal with Mexico to provide visas for farm work. 

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