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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. The only good billionaire, and that's probably because I don't know that his wealth comes from either slavery or nazis
  2. heres a hot tip: the man responsible lives at 1600 pennsylvania avenue washington dc. Act fast though, he's getting evicted in two merciful weeks
  3. There's a 100% chance that if Brian williams (as an example) goes on the news and starts talking about how the Q movement is radicalizing *millions* of Republicans, including a good number of electeds, I honestly think there'd be significant pushback and it all just gets labeled nonsense. Because when people are told what Republicans believe and vote for, they simply don't believe it!
  4. These assholes will keep doing this shit because they will just keep getting away with it. Shut down all the small business tyrants
  5. They just got proof positive that with a marginally more organized group with not that many more people they can probably do a coup and it won't be that difficult because the security forces are on their side.
  6. Run nick saban against tuberville and I'm not joking. He's childhood friends with Joe manchin lol
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