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Posts posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. 15 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

    A bit of an overreaction if you ask me.

    Agreed. Per wapo


    The Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Tuesday they are reviewing data involving six reported U.S. cases of a rare and severe type of blood clot in individuals after receiving the J&J vaccine. All six cases occurred among women between the ages of 18 and 48, and symptoms occurred six to 13 days after vaccination.


    • Guillotine 2
  2. 4 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:


    Yup yup yup.


    I think I've said it here before, but...


    When I was 18 my buddy and I ended up giving a girl a ride home after we caught a late movie. This was before cellphones, we lent her change for a phone call but nobody picked up. When I turned onto her street, a cop parked down the road turned on his lights and pulled me over. After giving him my license, he let me know that the girl was reported missing and that she was 14. After confirming with the officer that the two of us didn't do anything physical with her (she was never asked if anything had happened) he asked me to follow them to the police station and let me keep her in my car for the ride. When we got there the officer brought her to her mom, and told us to go into their break room and help ourselves to coffee. When he was done with the girl and her mom, he came to ream me out, not because we had a missing child in my backseat, but because she could have had a gun and shot me.


    I think about this all the time now, whenever I see someone with darker skin than mine get blown away for way less than transporting a minor who had been reported missing earlier in the day.

    Reminds me of an incident when I was in high school. I driving my girlfriend and her friend in my girlfriend's car. It was a nice, newer car and they were both in the back seat drinking alcohol. Obviously we were all under 21 and I believe I was not even 18. I wasn't drinking nor did I have a drink but I was driving them to the gfs house.


    So that's the context. I turn left on to the country road just outside of town, and the Ohio State Highway Patrol officer (a  department notoriously full of assholes) pulls me over for going left of center which was bullshit because it's a country road and it's maybe 7 feet from the median to dirt. Everyone crosses the median except when passing other cars! Anyway, I get pulled over and I'm nervous as hell, as they are freaking out in the back because they can get kicked off the volleyball team or whatever if they get cought with alcohol. So I'm nervous and talking to the patrolman and I accidently call him "ma'am" which he did not take well. "What the fuck did you say to/call me?" Or something similar came out. I was able to bullshit about how my mom would kill me if I got another ticket (I had two previous tickets because I delivered pizza, it comes with the territory) and I was ultimately able to get away with just a warning. 


    Recently I've also come to reflect on this experience, and I can't help but think similarly to you here. What if I had darker skin and midgendered a cop to his face? Even if it was on accident. Hell, until recently I never really knew what to call what I did to him. I can't even imagine how badly this could have gone.


    And also, seeing as how race wasn't a thing that I could perceive in an all white community, what if I was driving my shitty car and the girls were obviously from a lower class than what they were, or if they were some of my guy friends? Would I just have gotten a warning? Would the cop believe my bullshit about why I was nervous?

  3. 2 minutes ago, silentbob said:

    People, People, People


    Once again we got a thread off topic, and shame on all you. 


















    You know we can only do that by talking about food. Like, did Harry Potter with all his money, ever help Ron and his family out on groceries. 

    He bought Ron that candy the one time so basically yeah


    I still never understood how poverty came to be in a world where you can do whatever with materials, and relies on a stupid denominational system of exchange.

  4. 43 minutes ago, sblfilms said:


    If you're going to say anything, it's the only thing worth saying. "Wait and see". Better would be "it's a local and state matter, barring revelation of possible federal crime"

    We don't do it to the extent we could or should but denial of civil rights is a pretty well traveled role for the federal government in cases like this

  5. 2 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


    That should be funded with general tax revenue.  I doubt that ticket revenue alone could fund what you are describing.  What's with you libruls not wanting to give money back to the people?  

    I'm just shocked the libertarian isn't going with "don't engineer a scheme by the state deliberately designed to take money from people in the first place"

  6. 9 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:

    In theory I have no problem with traffic stops.  My problem is that ticket revenue is used to fund local governments, or even worse, the police department itself.  Ticket revenue should never be used in this manner.  I favor having ticket revenue being given back to the residents in the form of yearly dividend payments. It may not be much on a personal level, maybe $50 or something, but it would give a positive incentive to drive safely, as even a single speeding ticket would likely wipe out that dividend you get. 

    Or we could use the revenue to right size the roads so that speeding isn't a viable option. Fewer and narrower lanes, frequent stopping, and transportation alternatives to driving as some examples of what would be a better use of money. Give the people money once a year won't encourage them to drive slower or safer.

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