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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. Playstation is telling me I'm about 6 hours in and 22% with the story. Personally I don't feel like the game is bloated with systems... just loot. You get a LOT of loot and I end up selling most of it. The combat is not only fun but very deep with the various styles for each weapon. I'm sticking with the single and double swords for now but I can see trying out the spear, and scimitars. There's a LOT to do here but you can just ignore all of that stuff and focus on the main story if you want. I like the setting a lot so I don't mind. I haven't tried co-op yet but I have done two missions that give you the option to find a real co-op partner online, otherwise you get an A.I. partner that you can switch back and forth with. Going from Glider to horse is fun as hell. They really nail traversal in this game. I'm really enjoying the game... so much that I have to actively force myself to stop. Last night I got home, played DD2 for 3 hours, watched an episode of Shogun, then went to play this to finish ONE mission (took a couple of tries because the game isn't easy) and then went back to the quest giver to turn in the quest. I could have fast trevled back to her, but I didn't because I like to explore and came across some other activities that got me side tracked. Sometimes you come across uniquely named Ronin in the open world that you can fight and I wonder if they are avatars of other players. I know Nioh had a similar system. When I was riding around last night I came across one of these guys and he killed me That was when I got off. Fun fact, this game takes place 253 years AFTER the time period Shogun is set in. Makes sense... the foreigners in this game are American and in Shogun, America doesn't exist yet. This game takes place around the same time as The Last Samurai movie I believe. One last thing, one other game that this game cribs from is the Yakuza series, the game DEFINITELY doesn't take itself too seriously at all. As expected it's very "Japanese" in its sensibilty. I agree with most of the points @AshsToAshs made in his post. The A.i. outside of combat is dumb... I blew one guys head off not too far from one of his buddies and he didn't seem to care. Also they won't chase you too far outside of their area and will turn aroudn if you move too far away. This seems to vary depending on the enemy and the activity.
  2. I played for three hours last night just exploring and opened up parts of the map I hadn't been to and didn't advance a single quest. Found a bunch of seeker tokens and riftstones. I think the game probably takes 22-24 hours if you focus on the main quest, but I'm sure it will take a lot longer if you want to max out your character and see everything there is to see. I know both of my playthroughs in the first game were 70+ hours.
  3. The only stuff they keep is the stuff you equip on them. Everything else comes back to you if they die or you dismiss them.
  4. You have on the mask and the nobleman attire? If you're getting attack as soon as you enter then you may have to sneak in another way besides the front door. There's other ways into the area you need to get to.
  5. It's more immersive. Honestly I haven't had the issues some of you guys are having... the Pawns tend to give you a lot of hints on where to go and you always have an idea of where you should be looking for stuff because the highlight the general vicinity. It's refreshing to not have quest markers telling you where to go from one mission standpoin to the next. Like I had a mission where I had to investigate this village... just talked to a bunch of folks, found a letter or two and the quest was completed... just from exploring and playing the game. It's one of the joys of this game in my opinion... the sense of discovery It's what I liked about he first and what I like about this one. This game has a better story and better quests than the first one though.
  6. You should talk to as many people and read as much as you can like old school RPG'S... otherwise you'll get stuck like some of the posters in this topic. One thing the first game had that they got rid of in this one is that the would identify people you should talk to with different colored talk bubbles. They completely took that away in this game.
  7. I did that quest with no problems. If the guards see you some place you shouldn't be they will attack you on sight. It's actually a pretty cool quest. I just wish they handled stealth better in thhis game. There's no crouch walk is there? There another quest where you have to sneak into an offical's office and I got discovered by guards and gang banged until they threw me in prison. No idea how they even saw me.
  8. It's not like most modern RPG"s you have to read stuff and pay attention to what the game is telling you in order to progress. A lot of hired Pawns will take you through quests if they've done them before as well.
  9. Yeah but so far none of the weapons I've come across are stronger than the maxxed out daggers I have. I can't enhance them any further, but I'm using them until I come across some thing better. Same way i played the first game.
  10. Usually it will tell you the gamertag of the person the pawn belongs to... at least it does on Xbox. One of the pawns I got from one of those broken riftstones is a Capcom created pawn because it says so. I'm level 19 btw... you level up real fast in this game. People should know that leveling up only affects your base stats for you and your pawn. To make weapons and armor stronger you have to enhance them at blacksmiths.
  11. Is he an actual pawn from a player or one you got from one of the rifts in the wild? There are premium pawns and capcom created pawns out there so he could be one of those.
  12. I'm not far in the story but I fully expect it to get better. Choices seem to have real consequence in this game I've heard.
  13. Holy magic would have made that fight a lot easier... I don't think any of your pawns had any. Also you weren't using your quick commands on the D-Pad. I think by default a couple of the stronger healing potions are assigned to the D-pad but you should be able to switch them out. I noticed when you were using your abilities you never used a potion and always went into the menu to use herbs or berries wich don't heal as much. Can you grab this guy? i feel like you should be able to jump on him and grab him and bring him to the ground. Otherwise I was surprised you stuck it out and killed him. But yeah undead and skeletons are very weak against Holy magic.
  14. I think eventually you do get items and spells that restore missing health. It's good to keep camping kits on you so you can rest out in the wild though. I discovered if you die and use a wakestone all of your health is fully restored. I was holding off on using them but sometimes it's worth it. I think I have three now.
  15. Which one of you assholes mistreated my Pawn? She came back from the rift complaining of mistreatment by the other Arisen
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