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Everything posted by SilentWorld

  1. They say it increases costs and the Desmoine register says it reduces costs, who am I to believe?
  2. I’m so excited! I was too young to appreciate the troubles the first time.
  3. So more money to farmers and lower cost to drivers according to the article. Sounds good what’s the problem.
  4. Polls like that really shouldn't be a surprise. I get that we all remember 2016 and no one wants to be to optimistic. Still, anyone that thinks Trump isn't going into 2020 with a MASSIVE handicap, hasn't been paying attention to any of the special or midterm elections that have taken place since then.
  5. High heels accentuate a feminine figure. But there has to be a feminine figure to accentuate — it won’t do anything for fatties. Of course a place like japan is going to like when women wear high heels and of course a website full of Americans is going to be baffled at that.
  6. If I can get any rain at all and manage to pull off a crop this year and next year... the crops failing worldwide would be pretty much an ideal scenario for me lmao
  7. Up here in Canada I’m praying for rain before my crops burn up. And I seeded my canola too shallow so it’s not even gonna come up unless we get a good rain.
  8. Tbh, I bring it up because it allows me to feel superior to others and I like that feeling.
  9. This isnt even a trump thing. The amount of people that make six figures, and still somehow have a car payment and depend on their credit card to pay day to day bills. Goddammit. Unbelievable.
  10. This isn’t necessarily true. If Kerry had won Ohio he would have won the EC while losing the popular vote. Nate Silver has written about the EC and that it doesn’t always favor the Republican candidate.
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