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Everything posted by Boyle5150

  1. I never once claimed that "the problem is white men face discrimination". The problem is not that any particular skin color faces more or less of an amount of discrimination, the problem is that any race faces discrimination. To stop discrimination towards a specific group of people does not mean that you should discriminate against the group who have been the least discriminated against. What it means is that ALL* and ANY* group of people should not be discriminated against. Why is this such a hard concept? I am fully aware that "whites" in America have been the "default". I agree that there is/are classes of people who have been under-represented. But the answer is not to exclude any specific class simply because they have been over-represented, simply so you can be "diverse". If the best person for the job is Black, then they should get the job. If the best person for the job is a woman, then they should get the job. If the best person for the job is white, then they should get the job. A persons color/age/sex should have absolutely dick to do with their qualifications. Does that mean that the "old white men" who currently occupy the position are the best candidates for that position, Hell no. But that should not be a factor moving forward. The problem has never been about "white men" facing discrimination, but rather, discrimination based on race, age, gender....
  2. All things being equal, sure. I never said otherwise. However, if you follow from where this started about "old straight white male" there in lies the problem. Dismissal of a person based on age, race and gender is the problem.
  3. No I didn't! Please quote where I said being inclusive is racist. I said dismissal of someone based on race is racist. If you want to dismiss a white candidate based on that person being "straight white male" then you are racist and sexist, PERIOD!
  4. I said no such thing. I said that excluding someone for the sake of the color of their skin is racist. And you are absolutely correct that there are qualified minority and female candidates that I would argue are more qualified than some of the current justices.
  5. ftr, I want the most liberal Justice(') to occupy our SCOTUS, and I don't give two shits what color or gender they are, however, if you want to discredit someone for being white, then you are a racist.
  6. I never said any such thing. Show me where? My argument hinges not on skin color or sex, but on qualifications and ideology. Why is this so hard for some of you to understand. The* dismissal of people simply because of race and sex is both racist and sexist, and that includes "OLD WHITE MEN" Go back and re-read who is basing the qualifications based on race and sex. Get back to me with your findings.
  7. I don't care which color or sex dominates the SC, as that has no bearing on jurisprudence, I care about their ideology. You are the one who is fixated on the color of their skin, and that is racist.
  8. Really stepee?! "The problem is not that the majority in power are white men. The color of their skin is not the problem, their ideology is." To say otherwise is racist
  9. Death comes to us all (currently), but some will be revered for what they accomplish for others, and the Dr. will be revered for all time.
  10. The problem is not that the majority in power are white men. The color of their skin is not the problem, their ideology is.
  11. of course it is, but our goal is to not, and you don't achieve this goal by continuing to discriminate based on identity.
  12. I agree with all of this and have not said otherwise. I don't think you really want to go down this path...
  13. Jesus fucking christ, this is some ignorant thinking. Skin color and sex have nothing to do with it. Fuck! When did the left become so racist and sexist?
  14. because being old and white has nothing to do with ideology. You can make the case that there are more older white men who voted for trump but that is not because they are old and white. To say otherwise is ignorant.
  15. diversity of identity has absolutely nothing to do with ideology. Your last sentence is very troubling to say the least. That is pure ignorance. This right here!
  16. being white, a man and straight doesn't preclude you to any specific set of beliefs. The only thing that does, in that list, is "christian" beliefs.
  17. I wouldn't go so far as to say that Trump is apposed to mothers breastfeeding their children. In fact, I believe he has zero problems with it and would very much like to watch
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