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Posts posted by Bloodporne

  1. 27 minutes ago, Chris- said:

    Is this a black thing? I did not know it was a thing until I worked at a black school with black cafeteria workers. I was appalled.

    I do this all the time, I'm European. 

    22 minutes ago, Chris- said:

    Also, putting sugar in spaghetti sauce HAS to be a black thing; I've seen students do it, staff members do it, parents do it. The black internet should cease to make fun of white people potato salad for having the audacity to add sugar to jarred tomato sauce.

    Also false, I live in Queens and see Italians do that shit. Along with raisins...raisins in pasta, yes.

  2. 11 minutes ago, atom631 said:


    I wish I had it in me to do that. No way I can fire up a game at 12 and then play till 2-3 and be able to function at work the next day...unless I call in sick! :thinking:

    The last time I tried this knowing farce of a move was when Bloodborne came out and I told myself "only an hour to check it out". Called in sick at work at 6:30 AM and ended up playing until like 10AM and fucked up my entire sleep rhythm on top of wasting a vacation day. 


    High five. 

    • Haha 1
  3. Just now, skillzdadirecta said:


    Oh you're not a dickhead for laughing... I STILL laugh at the shit :lol: The Netflix doc just showed there was more going on than what we saw in the press.

    Okay, I can't stop now...


    Please, did they explain in detail how the FUCK whoever was in charge at her local NAACP chapter did not smell bullshit? That may be the best part about it. There must've been a bunch of members going "come on now...we all know...but this is just too fucking awkward to accuse someone of, right? Right?"

  4. 7 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:



    All I'm going to say is watch the doc if you can. Not justifying what she did, but there's definitely more to the story and she definitely has... "issues".

    I'll be honest. I don't have enough empathy in me for it and can't care about the finer details of why some white lady in black face and a fake afro was elected as NAACP branch president. In my head, this is a real-life Chappelle Show skit and I'll fully accept the responsibility of being a dickhead for laughing at her. 


    Actually, I laughed at the entire situation as a whole. It's all certified asinine. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:


    But what if you just went overboard with your self-tan cream and thought “might as well go full Dolezal”? :confused:


    Please don't remind me of Rachel Dolezal, my stomach muscles aren't equipped right now. 


    Her 'case' initially hitting the news is still one of the funniest fucking things I've ever seen. I was working with this dude at the time who was like Fat Albert crossed with Dave Chappelle and we were literally in hysterics in our office laughing at the staggering absurdity of it all. I'll never forget the sounds of that man's laughter. 

  6. Me.


    I was really intrigued because I do love Spaghetti Westerns and the game looks visually absolutely stunning. That being said I had already decided not to buy it based on simply not having the time and/or patience for these type of 'substitute for life' type games. 


    What did cement my decisions was reading several reviews this morning out of curiosity and seeing that the controls, character movement and gunplay still seem to be stuck in typical R* mode. The Kotaku paragraphs on movement and gunplay particularly were downright ugly for my tastes. 


    Love what the game is doing visually and whole ultra-detail thing but overall as an actual game, it turns me off almost completely. 

  7. Since Halloween is upon us and we're in autumn, I thought some of you into more adventurous music would enjoy one of my favorite obscure weirdo albums for this season:


    Comus - The Herald


    Comus was technically considered a Prog Rock band in their day, but well, there is zero Rock in their sound and by my definition they sound like some sort of Pagan Dark Folk with some typical counter-culture flavor for its day. However, this is shockingly grim lyrically and even musically at points for its release date of 1971. The band's peak of popularity was opening for David Bowie on an unsuccessful tour and basically selling zero copies of their one and only album after dissolving with much drama and label pressure like so many experimental groups did.


    This is my favorite song although slightly uncharacteristically calm possibly for the rest of the album which is slightly darker in tone. The whole LP basically works best when taken as a whole however I assumed that may be a bit much for anyone potentially interested. This is kind of the musical equivalent of some weird Pagan folk tales coming alive in the woods at night. 




    As a single star glides swiftly down the night
    A soft wetting note issues from the time-worn flute
    Frowning slightly the herald listens wistful across the night
    And from way back behind the day comes the echoed answer
    The day advances oh so softly his shadow lengthens and his voice is mute
    But clear his flute and sadly walks forward followed by the day
    Herald of morning walks across the earth eternally

    [Acoustic Guitar Solo]

    And somewhere in the black distance
    Another herald puts down his flute
    And the dewy dawn creeps on
    And the night withdraws

    The day advances oh so softly his shadow lengthens and his voice is mute
    But clear his flute and sadly walks forward followed by the day
    Herald of morning walks across the earth eternally



    And here is the complete album if interested: 


    Comus - First Utterance

  8. 41 minutes ago, Nokra said:

    I finished Dorian Gray this afternoon and gave it 5/5 stars on Goodreads. By the last third one knows what's going to happen but the journey of getting there was supremely enjoyable to me. It is a very simple but elegant tale of morals and character; I can absolutely see why it's considered a classic of English literature. 


    Have you read anything else by Wilde, 

    @CastlevaniaNut18 ?

    Glad to see you liked it. I always love seeing people sink their teeth into some classics despite vastly differing standards compared to our modern story-telling styles and so on.


    I just broke out the following due to the autumnal season:


    Woman In Black by Susan Hill


    The original novel the rather semi-shitty (well, the sets were amazing at least) Daniel Radcliffe film is based on. Perhaps not considered a masterpiece but I personally love it. Very atmospheric, eerie and an absolutely fantastic setting. I'm a sucker for this type of almost folklore based Horror so it's a 5/5 from me. Almost my third time reading it. 

    • Thanks 1
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