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Everything posted by Anzo

  1. I plowed through the game and absolutely loved it! Combat was way better than the original. Just the right amount of difficulty. Performance was fine but I’m on PC. A spectacular sequel in every possible way. I liked the shard system because I could build Ori in a play style I wanted. Really dug the story too. Overall took me 10.5 hours to get around 80% complete.
  2. Absolutely! I found an article with a good 10 minutes video on how they broke down some scenes. Spoilers obviously for those that haven't seen it. https://www.insider.com/how-1917-was-filmed-like-one-continuous-shot-wwi-2020-1
  3. I was paying meticulous attention once I realized what was going on (about 10 minutes in). I hadn't even seen a trailer prior so had no idea to expect it. It is continuous. Do I actually believe that they did the whole film in one continue take? No way, but they edited it in such a way that it seem that way. Yeah, the camera would go in close on a house or rampart or something where they would obviously cut. But it didn't come across that way in the movie.
  4. Fellow Star Wars nerds! If you find yourself interested in Death Watch/Mandalore/[Redacted] lore, here are relevant (canon) episodes and reading references: THE CLONE WARS: S2.E12 The Mandalore Plot S2.E13 Voyage of Temptation S2.E14 Duchess of Mandalore S4.E14 A Friend In Need S5.E14 Eminence S5.E15 Shades of Reason S5.E16 The Lawless REBELS: S2.E13 The Protector of Concord Dawn S3.E7 Imperial Super Commandos S3.E16 Legacy Mandalore S4.E1-2 Heroes of Mandalore NOVELS/COMICS: Ashoka (novel) Battlefront: Twilight Company (novel) Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir (4-issue comic)
  5. My opinion of this movie is degrading by the day. Will watch again this weekend to solidify my thoughts.
  6. I’m seeing reports that there was a standing ovation after the screening last night. That is patently false. The only one of those was for John Williams before the showing when he came onstage. I’d say people were cheering enthusiastically afterwards and one guy yelled “yes thank you JJ!” after something that I can’t remember. Talking with a number of people I didn’t know at the after party (around a dozen so not a huge sample) they mostly felt like me in that it was fun but had some glaring issues.
  7. I did not come away with the impression that JJ tried to undo anything that Rian did but maybe I’m bad at character analysis. He builds upon all of the force powers and relationships that Rian introduced in TLJ. yes Rose’s role was significantly reduced. They easily could have had her along with the big 3 and Chewie.
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