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Everything posted by thewhyteboar

  1. Who remembers that troll Jody Gerut from the baseball boards?
  2. How insecure do you have to be to brag to strangers who hate you about your sex life??
  3. DVD is a lunatic and it wouldn't surprise me if he goes on some incel-inspired shooting spree or something.
  4. I don't feel that's a fair reading of Wasserman's tweet, more of a sign of how there is no bottom to the GOP's depravity.
  5. I can only imagine dvd in Shapiro's mentions "Sir! Sir! Absolutely epic own sir! I know for a fact that a man of your ability and intellect can bring all kinds of orgasms to your wife! I'm sure her erogenous zones are just absolutely tingly after you deliver one of your zingers! Well done again sir!"
  6. Ben confirms that his wife's pussy has never been wet.
  7. People miss flying so much that Korean convenience stores are selling airline food.
  8. My second cousin always wanted to be a cop in Oregon. Judging by the nutjob memes he shares on his Facebook, he is dumb enough to qualify.
  9. I'm still not going to risk it. Cases were down to 20 yesterday, but jumped way up to over 40 today. It ain't done yet.
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