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Everything posted by TheShader

  1. Saaaaame. After digging through profiles since Wednesday morning trying to find the option, I finally figured maybe the boards don't have a block feature even though I could have sworn they did. Every time a particular person popped into a thread I'd tap the three dots on their name hoping to get more options than 'report' and 'share'.
  2. For the record for anyone who was like me, and has been actively trying to block a certain user like I have all week, the option is a bit hidden but I found it when I gave another look this morning. Like many here, I'm not fond of over using blocks, be they here, Reddit, or personal accounts like Facebook or Instagram. So I'm not always quickly familiar with where the option is. Anyways, to block any user: Click on the three dashes on the upper right of the website > Account > Ignored Users Wam, bam, thank ya ma'am and you can block whomever you like.
  3. Agreed wholeheartedly. There's a reason I haven't directly responded to him here, only those responding about him(and even that I'm reluctant to do).
  4. Considering it's trans related, I'm surprised it took this long. I was prepared for it to be much sooner.
  5. But surely, Stepee, these legislators and law enforcement officers that find no literary, artistic, political, or scientific value behind the trans and overall LGBTQ community will change their mind when it comes enforcing this law and magically find literary, artistic, political, and/or scientific value out of people's lives.
  6. They almost certainly do, or at the very least will research before making any travel plans. Every trans person I know is well aware of the risks of travel. It is very sad.
  7. This definitely sounds like a healthy way to deal with his loss. There are much less healthy ways to 'drown' your loss, if you catch my meaning. I'll definitely keep him in my thoughts and energy, and I'm glad he's out there fighting the good fight.
  8. You can either be blessed with meat or potatoes, but you can't be blessed with both.
  9. Drinking Coke may increase testicle size and testosterone production, study says WWW.INDEPENDENT.CO.UK Researchers claim the study “demonstrated a high dose of Pepsi or Coca-Cola could promote testis growth and development”
  10. I'm sorry for the loss. It never gets easier, especially when it comes to trans people where it is oftentimes so preventable. A world that constantly debates your existence on a good day, and tries to legislate you out of existence on a bad day is a tough one to live in. It's something no one should be going through, and yet we lose countless sons, daughters, and children to suicide like this. I can't imagine what it's like to lose a child, but I imagine it stays with you forever. I hope your friend well in their healing.
  11. I've begun reaching out to local organizations in Tennessee to get a better handle on the local needs and fights of the LGBTQ communities across the state. I'll update here as I start hearing back and start getting a grasp on the ground level needs.
  12. Good to hear! I had no doubt they would, so I didn't keep up with it. They're picky about the fights they pick unless it comes to national news stuff like this. Then they tend to trip over themselves to get involved. I've worked with the ACLU, you get used to the organization's groupthink process after awhile.
  13. I will look into this and see if there is a best option for this. If the ACLU takes this on(Not sure if they've made a statement or not yet)I would recommend donating specifically to the Tennessee ACLU to make sure that money is directly impacting their fight. As great as the ACLU is, though, I always like to recommend activists more on the ground level. ACLU has a lot metric fuckton of money and lawyers, and it's people on the ground fighting in the streets that need money.
  14. Is this because men don't have leg hair, so they don't have to? Today I learned!
  15. Epilators are fantastic for keeping them smoother longer, and if you're into a little pain then even better! Otherwise, in all seriousness, I get it. I'm stuck in a constant struggle between being too lazy/forgetful and hating when my legs get too prickly.
  16. Gotta keep the heat insulated during the hibernation periods, I understand! That's the spirit!
  17. My guess is 'implementation' isn't a concern. It's a desire to return to the days in which a squad of law enforcement officers could break into a club at their discretion to 'break up up the queers' and arrest whomever they want. To the days of the harassment and arrests involved in both the Cooper Do-Nuts events as well as Stonewall. Also like many vague bills like it that have come before, it's an excuse to grab trans people walking to work in front of an elementary school and have them arrested for 'Performing lewd acts in front of an elementary school' even though all they did was walk from place A to place B. These are known as 'Walking while trans' laws. They're laws that are intended to be vague in description while labeling trans individuals as sexual perverts since no one wants to defend someone labeled as a sexual predator by the law, even though the arrest had nothing to do with sexual or lewd acts.
  18. Tennessee Becomes the First State to Pass a Ban on Drag Shows NEWREPUBLIC.COM The bill is so vaguely worded it could also target trans people and Pride celebrations generally.
  19. I'll count you down as once every two weeks!
  20. Daily is acceptable for this, as it is still technically daily, just daily a lot more than others.
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