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Posts posted by BloodyHell

  1. 4 hours ago, Spork3245 said:


    Prove what? What am I trying to prove? I lol’d at them rather losing $500m in 3 months, and probably over a billion in 6 months, vs paying out $50m/year. If you think I was making some point in that post rather than just lol’ing/jfc’ing at the absurdity of the situation, you’re reading way too much into it. You’re the one that seems to be making claims and trying to “prove” things here :p 



    My “claims” are the numbers and information given and really nothing else.


    We don’t know how long they planned for this to go. For all we know the studios are just digging their heels in at this point.



    That math ends after a point

    Is it more or less than $1b in 6 months?

    Pretending the calculation is about how much they “lose” in 6 months is ridiculous. If it was dire for the studio, they would be negotiating. Pretending they dug in their heels for spite is ridiculous. One company, maybe, but a whole industry? No.

  2. 2 hours ago, Spork3245 said:

    That’s still significantly less than the loss in revenue in, again, just a single quarter.



    Uh-huh. And how much more?



    I never stated this.


    Movies that don’t turn profits can become write offs and recoup over time, movies that don’t exist cannot.


    And again, does it prove anything? You’re making claims with no more insight than anyone else. Obviously the studio’s have decided negotiation is more expensive than waiting it out. 

    I have no love for WBD, so in the end I don’t care if it hurts them, but there’s definitely been math done and a decision made.


    SAG will probably cost them a lot more. No numbers, but it’ll be far higher just based off memberships alone. (~160000 SAG vs less than 12000 WGA members)

  3. 6 hours ago, Spork3245 said:


    And is it not included in the $50m/year estimate?



    There's no proof of this and you're making an assumption: they're trying to "starve them out" and likely were expecting them to cave by now, like last time. Another quarter of this and I have no idea how the math could be in their favor when we're talking about potentially over $1b of losses in just 6-months.

    50m a yr from writers. And ive seen other reports putting it as high as 80m. 

    Now add in SAG’s demands, which will obviously cost even more. 

    I think the idea that studio’s are hurting is a bit far fetched. They aren’t putting out hundreds of millions or more per quarter either. And they are pulling in revenue from services still, even if its not what they expected. 

    Disneys last few movies lost them a few hundred million. These companies are able to absorb loss better than average union members can. They have obviously decided it’s not worth it to meet current demands.

  4. Just now, Spork3245 said:


    Maybe they're both douches? Punk apparently walked up and started throwing; sounds pretty douchey 


    You’re the first person I’ve heard say that. 
    all the other reports are Perry started it with his comment, then Punk asked him if he had a problem and Perry was a prick again. 

    its clear all these asses were out to get him since they attacked him in his dressing room. It’s clear thrir little clique wanted him gone.

  5. Just now, Spork3245 said:


    Is the $50m/year estimate not with residuals? Because $500m in lost potential rev is 10 years worth of that, then factor in next Q likely being significantly worse (as the well of all of the unreleased post production content that they've still been able to put out is now dried up) and it's more like 25+ years worth, and getting worse each and every month.

    There is far more than just the revenue, they want guarantees on staff size, minimum number of weeks per season on shows, and frankly a lot of it MAY be that they don’t have to even consider the writers demands until SAG strike is taken care of. At this point, WGA is the least important union. So why not starve the WGA while they deal with SAG? I don’t actually know, that’s just a guess.


    obviously their math shows the losses aren’t as bad as capitulation.

  6. 14 minutes ago, CayceG said:

    I think a lot of the problem here is people talking past each other and responding to assumptions. 


    That and, we're all pretty well acquainted with one another and there just isn't much to say about things that happen these days. 




    But from the other side of it, I'm in a different community that has changed over the years and I feel like it's something different than what it was when I joined. And I'm thinking about leaving that community. There's no real inciting incident other than every interaction I have in it is just really sour and not fulfilling in a way it once was. I don't begrudge sbl if that's where he wound up with this place. 


    Point being, nothing huge and disruptive has to be happening in someone's life for them to uproot something they've been a part of for over a decade. It can really just come down to the vibes feeling different than what they did in the past and their participation not being fulfilling anymore. 

    I mean, in this case the problem was two users claiming that he was defending Nazi’s. That was the only bad faith trolling or contrarianism in this thread. He didn’t even come close to that, he was pointing out they should get no national media attention for their viewpoints. To go from that to “you’re defending Nazi’s” is as bad faith as it gets. 

    • Halal 1
  7. 5 hours ago, Fizzzzle said:

    I've been shouting from the mountain tops for a while, it says a lot that Disney was willing to do anything to keep the ScarJo lawsuit from going to trial. Why? Because if it went to trial, Disney would have been forced to publicly disclose all of their streaming revenue. Paying ScarJo $50 million (or whatever it ended up being) just to shut her up was worth it to them.


    As you say, they're purposefully obfuscating their streaming revenue.


    I feel like the whole "AI is going to take our jobs" thing is just a smoke screen. The real issue is streaming revenue. They don't want you to know how much it is and where it goes.

    Lol no, they don’t want people getting their emails and correspondence. Settling lawsuits is rarely just about money, it’s about not exposing their c-suite executives. They aren’t scared of the costs, they’re scared of everything else. The dirt in the subpoenas is far more damaging than paying ScarJo is. 

    it’s also doubtful she got anywhere near 50m.

  8. On 9/4/2023 at 9:51 AM, SoberChef said:

    As unfortunate it is that it didn't all work out, I'm of the mind that we will get back to the passion that exists in every individual in that locker room all without the unnecessary drama that has taken a hold since his signing. Sorry Phil, I'll always be a fan of you as a WRESTLER, but as a dude, you're a douche!

    Doesn’t sound like he’s the douche to me. Sounds like he’s the one who doesn’t put up with the douches bullshit

  9. 1 hour ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

    Well, I put in an ungodly amount of tme into Starfield since last Thursday evening and I can offer the following:


    * Its addictive to play IF BGS games are your cup of tea

    * I've completed all of the faction quests and would recommend that players jump on these first. The order will depend on your character build/play style

    * I've barely touched the main quest and am now level 33

    * Vae Victis is perhaps the coolest videogame character name I've seen in some time and its wasted on a Bethesda milktoast chacter! Boooooo! 

    * In my 40 something hours of play, I have seen tons of bugs and two CTD moments. My favoite was standing on a mountain and watching the world auto populate some local suarians at the wrong elevation and so they poped in above the terrain and immediately plunged to their deaths, even bouncing a few times after initial impact! Beware the dino rain! 

    * Get your laser skill to max ASAP. Your mining tool, coupled with a 5% chance of burning, make a very effective backup weapon!

    * Get aboard the "key" as soon as you can (Crimson Fleet quest line) and purchase the bounty hunter armor from one of the vendors there

    * I understand the mechanics of the persuasion system, but the flow of the language/choices in the process is really broken and weird. 

    * The future needs better wayfinding signage as the great challanges I've faced in the game come from figuring out how to simply get to the next location in some of the missions. 

    * This far in, I still can't give a proper review. Current feel is that there is plenty I like and plenty I don't, weird game.

    * I'm looking forward to game plus as I can easily see myself finishing this run without leveling enough to tap into most of the game's Skills/perks

    * If I gave it a review right now it would be 8/10 - "Rich but flawed, with a reach that exceeds its grasp"


    Actually, I’d say do the main story first, and there is very good spoiler reasons for it. 

    otherwise, I mostly agree.

  10. 3 hours ago, best3444 said:


    I completely agree with everything you said. It’s jammed pack full of details and there is side quests all over that are "hidden". Just a massive game but yes, I just ran out of fuel once again so I must not be doing something right. I'm STILL figuring out how to traverse through the galaxy because it's not exactly easy imo. 

    You aren’t running out of fuel, you’re trying to jump too far.

  11. 3 minutes ago, best3444 said:

    "First, it’s worth noting that your ship doesn’t need to refuel in Starfield, so don’t try looking for filling stations in spaceports. Your ship refills automatically while you are flying or exploring the planets. In addition, it happens fast enough that you don’t have to worry about it".



    Ya, I’ve never run out. Sure you just don’t have enough to do it in one jump?

  12. 14 hours ago, Dodger said:

    Whenever anyone figured out what the big fuss about NG+ is post it in spoiler tags or something. I want to see what the big deal is.


    12 hours ago, Dodger said:

    I’ve heard a lot of you need to rush the main story and then do NG+ take’s because that’s where Dark Souls Starfield really begins so I want to know what the deal is

    I guarantee it’s nonsense stuff that only bgs fanboys could get excited about.

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