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Posts posted by SimpleG

  1. Pig Destroyer- Head Cage

    PD could have went back to the Prowler In The Yard sound and that would have made me and many others very happy.But PD never stays in the same genre very long before moving on and trying something different.This album does have some more straight Grind tracks but with the introduction of a bassist it opens up for them a new path.PD's albums have always felt like a 50 man party in a 5ft closet space. Head Cage feels like an album that PD was given space to open up.


    KK just fucking kills it on vocals




  2. Played about 45 mins or so. The combat is really not good, its not bad it just feels like a mediocre take on the Batman combat system. Ive had npc twirl and slide across the floor to connect with kicks and i have had npc stun lock me. It reminds me of some Souls games where mid swing you dodge and they spin like a ballerina to auto connect.


    Graphics are impressive and the city is fantastic looking. I am gonna keep pressing forward and hope its just been bad luck with the combat.

  3. 3 minutes ago, atom631 said:

    @SimpleG I’m talking about TTK 2.0 patch. I feel it’s perfect. And yes, in CQC you can get murdered damn fast by an SMG or Shotgun. But that’s to be expected. If you’re charging in with a rifle or LMG and think you can go toe to toe with an MP18 or automatico, then you deserved to be murdered.  Now, at 5+ meters or so In distance  other guns like semi-rifles are viable if you have good aim and can hit headshots. That’s how it should be. Back up to medium range and they will win 90% of the time against an SMG or shotgun. That’s good balance. However, in BF1 there are still issue. That patch made LMGs too effective at long range when the bi-pod is deployed. Nothing should compete with a sniper at long range...but that fucking M1917 is like a laser beam. I also think shotguns, specifically the 10a need a bit of a range nerf. If shouldn’t be a OHK at 10-15m like it is now. Other than that, i love the guns, the TTK and the balance of BF1. 


    Now compared to BFV...the biggest issue is that both the medic and assault class use SMGs now. And these SMGs are effective all the way through the far end of medium range. It shouldn’t be like that. It makes the Gewehr 43 and M1A1 completely useless because you will never win a face to face fight against a Sten or STG44. Also, the support gun, the Kev or whatever feels more like an SMG than an LMG. It doesn’t have that chuga chuga slow velocity high damage an LMG should have. It sounds, fires and recoils just like an SMG. Only difference is it has a bipod you can deploy. It makes all 3 classes feel exactly the same in terms of gunplay. No variety. 


    On that note, you should add me on Xbox. I need people to play with! 

    I agree with you on everything


    Sorry man I sold my xbox becouse it was just a BF1 machine

  4. 7 hours ago, XxEvil AshxX said:

    One of the things they were complaining about in that thread was how far away they got killed by an SMG,

    Its a legit issue with gun balance.

    48 minutes ago, atom631 said:

    and that's honestly one of the things I liked. I don't want to have to get 15 feet away from somebody to kill them. 

    SMG's are meant for close range quick kills, right now some of them are out gunning at mid/far range. 


    48 minutes ago, atom631 said:

    As for the TTK, it’s no where near the same as BF1 (or 3,4). In BF1 you had some time to react. You could get shot and have a chance to counter and potentially win if your aim was true. BF1 has legit gunfights. I love it. And although sometimes I would get frustrated when I lost, it was mostly because I fucked up and got outplayed. In nearly every match of BF1 there was always a few of these isolated 1v1 gunfights that really felt rewarding when you won. I haven’t experienced a single one in this beta. It’s all about who shot first. 

    Are you talking TTK after the TTK 2.0 or prior in BF1? After 2.0 there was plenty of times when a SMG/Trench/Machine Pistol would damn near insta kill.


    48 minutes ago, atom631 said:

    I disagree about it being complaints about adjusting to a new game. I’m an average BF player,  i am around 1.4-1.7 KD on console and I’m doing about the same in the beta. It doesn’t have to do with finding a good gun to play better with. Decent players will adapt no matter what, it’s just that they are more prone to the nuanced changes bc they play so much. Going from BF1 to BFV is jarring. It’s an entirely different experience. If you didn’t play a lot of BF1 or didn’t like it, then BFV may be your thing. I thoroughly enjoy BF1. I love the guns, i love the TTK, i love the chaos. It has a ton of issues, but i think it’s a great game. 


    I am an average player https://battlefieldtracker.com/bf1/profile/xbox/Hostage Animal but I cant seem to sync up with the game play in BF5,as you said it very jarring.

  5. 6 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

    Apparently hip fire is way less accurate now, and you can't tap to make it more accurate. The recoil is also more predictable now (as in the guns will always recoil in the same pattern, which means you can learn to compensate). This has been requested for a long time.

    Are we talking about the same thing? I have never seen someone tap fire when hip firing since its almost exclusivly used in mid/close range,you throw the cross hairs on the enemy and rip the trigger. Tap firing is used for long range on auto wepons to compansate for high recoil.


    11 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

    I don't really get the COD comparisons except that the TTK

    The problem with the high TTK is dices netcode issue which they are working on. Then you have call ins like the missle strike and supply drop which are ripped straight out of COD. And I said in the previous post the weapon upgrade system. It plays out damn the same as COD perks,quick draw,faster rof,ect.

    • Like 1
  6. 23 hours ago, atom631 said:

    The more i play, it’s feeling more like a COD game that added BF elements than an actual BF game. And that makes me sad. 


    This is precisly what I said in previous BF5 posts. Also fuck the weapon upgrades in BF5,in previous titles you might get an upgrade that gives more accuracy with ADS at the expense of hip firing, BF5 just straight ups the dps with no negative to that.The hip firing seems to be carried over from BF1which I hate.

  7. On 9/2/2018 at 9:14 PM, CayceG said:

    I'm not buying the gas story. But I fully believe they were robbed very stealthily. 


    10 hours ago, Ghost_MH said:


    Yeah, I'm not buying the gas, but it is crazy to think that anyone broke in and robbed a house full of so many people as they slept. That's some ninja'level stealth, incredible luck, and balls the size of Jupiter. You just need to hope that all these middle-aged folks don't end up having to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, less your burglaring being interrupted.

     There not getting gassed


    But in 2014, in response to the campervan incidents, the British Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCOA) said it was the college's view that gassing was "a myth".

    "It is the view of the College that it would not be possible to render someone unconscious by blowing ether, chloroform or any of the currently used volatile anaesthetic agents, through the window … without their knowledge, even if they were sleeping at the time," the College said in a statement.

    "[Also] these drugs would be too expensive for the average thief to use."

    General anaesthetics are either inhaled or administered from pressure tanks and they have odours and health risks associated with them.

    The college says there is no anaesthetic in existence that is "safe, odourless, potent [and] cheap enough" for the average person obtain or handle.

    If there was one, the College says, it would "know about it and be investigating its use in anaesthetic practice".



  8. The game is a bad buffet. To much food and all of it is low quality.

    The story is not good even by video game standards.The survival,base crafting, and mining work mediocre together but individually its not fun or good.The different worlds are of course the driving force behind the game and they can be pretty kick ass at times. For me they arnt enough to slog thru everything else to see them. I dont think its a bad game but way to unfocused .

  9. 1 hour ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:



    Maybe. Maybe it was content that only got budgeted because it was going to be extra DLC. Maybe it was content that they simply could not finish in time for release. 


    To me announcing DLC before the game releases tells me that the game will keep seeing new content and support after release. So there will be reason to keep going back to it.

    That kind of logic sir will not be tolerated,not sure how you expect board members to make uninformed post when you do this kind of thing.

    • Haha 2
  10. I watched this last week and I watched again today.

    The fact that the movie isnt a incoherent mess shows how much care went into this movie.

    Disney feels iffy on the quality of CGI sometimes but outside a few instances the whole movie feels top notch.

    I would watch an entire Thor,Rocket,Groot film.

    The Dr Strange/Thanos brawl gives me a half chub. Seeing Strange throw out the cyttorak bands makes me hopefull for seeing juggy in Marvel film.Wont happen but I can dream.



    The Starlord screw up was so very obvious and god damn annoying.

    Power level issues. Thanos wiped the floor with Hulk in about 30 seconds on his own.Seeing Cap grapple with him and take strike to the face is not good . Same with Widow and Okoye fighting Proxima ,certainly a member of Thanos Black Order doesnt get put in stalemate with 2 humans no matter the level of skil they have. Even with Disney altering her power level she  should be spiderman/ironman tier.


    All in all I enjoyed the film but it doesnt crack into the top 5 Marvel films for me.

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