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Commodore D

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Posts posted by Commodore D

  1. On ‎2‎/‎2‎/‎2019 at 12:38 PM, Ricofoley said:

    Northam should obviously resign, although I suppose I kind of understand how someone in his situation could think they could find a way out of this given that like three months ago we all saw Brett Kavanaugh successfully maneuver around a "credible" sexual assault accusation by holding up a bunch of old calendars and yelling a lot.


  2. 2 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:


    It probably will. If you use windows 10 it shows any game you play as XBL status even if it’s not on Xbox

    Yeah that trough me off at first when I would see Star Craft 2 or something on Steam showing up. Had me searching the store looking for games that weren't on the Xbox store.

  3. 11 hours ago, Dre801 said:

    Nope.  You can be Game Pass only.  Have not had Gold in a couple of years actually.  Game Pass and XBL Gold are two separate services.  Obviously, if the game you've pulled off Game Pass has an online component, then yes, Gold would be needed for that.  I plan to just dick around with SP for a few hours and move on.

    If you have a computer that can run the games, you could play them online since they are Play Anywhere titles; without having Xbox Live Gold.

  4. On ‎1‎/‎24‎/‎2019 at 10:11 AM, Slug said:

    I think many of the people who are offended by this message are inappropriately conflating 'toxic masculinity' with masculinity in general.  There's nothing wrong with the latter.


    That's all I got.

    Maybe that's the case, but I've seen enough stuff that assaults regular masculinity to see the lines are being blurred. 


    My kids will be raised to respect all people, from all backgrounds, because that is how I was raised (put yourself in their shoes), and they will also be raised not to blindly accept what society "feels' is right, just as I was raised. You don't have to run with the pack to respect that the pack should be able to run. 

  5. 10 hours ago, kittykat said:


    What if your sons aren’t attracted to women?


    way to assume. 




    im calling 9-1-1

    Doesn't seem to be the case, so why would I speak from that position. Plus, just from a numbers perspective, I'm safe to assume they aren't until proven otherwise. Stop being a bigot.


    Lol at psychotic( @Chris-), and liked by a group of people that by their own admissions are on various meds to stabilize themselves. <shrug shoulders>


    Also @Keyser_Soze it would be pretty creepy if @Boyle5150 or any of you had a picture of me to edit on a hat.


  6. On ‎12‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 3:40 PM, 2user1cup said:

    Flew into NYC, walked through metal detector not scanner. Didn't take anything off or out of my bag. Laptop in bag, cameras, toiletries, shoes on, belt on, they didn't give a shit.


    Someone pay them.

    Did you pass a dog at any point? I've noticed if there is dog present, you pretty much just go through.

  7. 19 hours ago, Nokra said:

    IMO you should at least watch it before you form an opinion. No offense, but either taking your opinion from another or having others simply confirm your preexisting notions does not seem like a very fair or thoughtful reaction to me. 


    As to the stupid dad trope, I think I can see what you mean about the trope existing, given the examples you gave. But I think this isn't really what the ad is saying. It's an undeniable fact that some men have some shitty behavior, just as some women do, and in my opinion, the ad was speaking to those men, calling on them to improve their behavior.  It isn't saying that all men are stupid or that all men need to improve their behavior. 


    I'm not sure what you mean by not wanting your son or nephew to grow up in any manner that society seems they should. Would you mind explaining this, please? 


    Just to put it simple, men are not hairier bigger women, and women aren't less hairy smaller men. The things that make them different should be celebrated, not chastise. 


    A lot of what is currently being chastised (well beyond the stupid dad trope) is natural to the male half of virtually ever species. A lot of it is part of healthy development, and builds some of the basic things needed for survival. You may say well we are humans not "animals" (to which I would laugh because it seems people pick and choose what they want to take from the animal kingdom to fit their narrative), so we don't need these things. But I'd question your qualification of survival. Is it just making it, or its making it comfortably (happily). As humans we should strive for later, as we are more likely to fulfill the meaning of life (nothing more than sustaining and continuing ones life/lineage). 


    Should I teach my son to be ashamed of liking women, and all that comes with it (looking, thinking, peacocking)? No, because that will be contrary continuing his and his forefathers life.

    Should I teach him not to take advantage of his God given physical abilities? Again, no because they may compensate for his weaknesses. Or can be used for gain.

    Should I teach him break down and wallow in the uncomforts of life? No, he should be strong enough to face them head on, and courageous enough to make sacrifices to change them. 

    Should I teach him not to be a leader, not to strive to stand out from the pack?


    Just to an example of where I can personally see the difference. My mom and her cousin ( they are best friends as well, making it even more special to them) had children at the same time and cadence. One mom (and allow the step father to) raised her men along the lines of how I am and will; she let "boys be boys" (I'm just putting it simply). The other pacified her boys, hindered (to the chagrin of her husband, their father) any masculine act to keep them safe and docile. Fast forward to their teenage years, one group of kids is independent, self starting, confident, the other group is the opposite. Fast forward to the earlier twenties, one group has built on their teenage years and are bringing home women mom of which mom can be proud (although a lot seem to come through the door, lol); the other group is either not bring any home, or bringing home women that are only their to take and dominate. Now step into their earlier thirties; one mom is celebrating her with larger family, in the households (and communities) her sons lead. The other, just went from three men in the house to two, and says (direct quote) "I messed up my boys."


    One group knew the world was hard, the other met a hard world. Who do you think is surviving more comfortably (happily)?


    Guess what, I'll teach my daughter to do all those same things (I'm all about "strong" women), but will also teach her to, like the moms before, be self sufficient, but find a man like the moms before you did, one who can take care of you like your father did, so you can celebrate the ultimate difference between you and him, motherhood. 





  8. When raising these boys, they’re not raising the best, they’re not raising you. They’re not raising you. They’re raising people that have lots of problems, and those problems are with us. They’re raising drug addicts. they’re raising criminals. They’re raising rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”


    - Gillette

  9. Haven't watched it, wont watch it, but understand the gist of it. Not that I probably would have, but Gillete products are definitely on my no buy list now. 


    I don't want my son or nephews to grow up in any manner that "society" now deems they should. Neither do the other dads and moms in that group.


    It continues the trope of dad is stupid, the attack that you find over the past 20 to 30 years in media, Al Bundy, Homer Simpson, Peter Griffin, etc...


    Similar perspective to mine.

    • Guillotine 2
  10. 17 minutes ago, ALIEN-gunner said:

    The MAGA hat is not a racist symbol because there are hundreds of thousands of minorities in the US who proudly wear it. The real problem is when white people try to tell minorities they are ignorant for wearing the hat because their views are automatically right and the minorities views are wrong because they can't think for themselves. That's the real racism today.  

    Yup, its like the white cashier that says "Merry Christmas" to everyone in her line until she gets to the middle easter guy and says "Happy Holidays." 


    Pure racism. 


     This actually happened a friend of mine this past Christmas season. That cashier has been PCed into being racist

  11. 12 minutes ago, Anathema- said:





    Also, you can’t wear the hat as a brown guy for a joke without the tacit admission of what it stands for. Ain’t nobody gonna chuckle at your ass wearing an ‘I Like Ike’ button. 

    First time seeing that; but I would enjoying going to a klan rally and listen as if I was one of them, some of the funniest things I've ever heard have come out of a knee deep in it racists mouth. I can only imagine what they say while wearing the hood; probably top shelf material.


    Me wearing the hat would be funny because brown people aren't suppose to support Trump (or vote/ support R), not because I think it is a racist garb.


    Plus, the joke is bunching panties, not ha look at that big brown guy wearing a MAGA hat. All the laughs are on my side.

  12. 10 minutes ago, ort said:

    I don't think anyone who wears a MAGA hat is a racist, but I have no problem branding anyone wearing that hat as an idiot.


    At the very minimum anyone wearing that hat has to know that it carries with it a lot of baggage and just wearing it is sending some strong messages to different people. I guess that's pretty much the whole point of that hat these days.

    As a brown guy, I'd wear one just for the laughs and comical interactions. Someone would have to buy it for me though, no way I'm spending my money on one.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Chris- said:


    What are you talking about? How have you made this so complicated? Accepting - able or willing to accept something or someone. A landlord who isn't receiving Section 8, but would if given the opportunity, accepts Section 8; you accept Section 8. A landlord who would deny that opportunity does not accept Section 8.


    I seriously don't know how you could get so twisted over this.

    AHHHHH, yes, total bungled that, was putting your comment with the accepting = renting to (as in collecting money from). Thank you for the detailed clarification, we are now on same page, and I am in agreement with you on all your points.

  14. 3 hours ago, 2user1cup said:

    haha way to take credit for decades of progressive work now that there's $$$ involved.


    That's how it works sometimes, doesn't change the facts though.


    Yes to the $$$ though; since the bill was first announced, my larger family took steps to take advantage of this, and possibly legal mj. You'd be surprised who (and how many) comes knocking when you offer up for lease (and profit sharing) ~400 acers (around  8% of the total) of fairly accessible old farm land, in a depressed area that garner local and federal benefits, exclusions, and subsidies... On second though, no you wouldn't be surprised.


    Great great great Granddad knew what he was doing all those years ago.


    2 hours ago, Jason said:


    Read it, so what you really meant is.......





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