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Commodore D

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Posts posted by Commodore D

  1. At lunch I had a conversation about people taking their dog to the vet. Maybe I'm a  bad owner, but my dog has only been to the vet five times (first shots, two ear infections, one skin infection, and a follow up) in his almost tens years of life. The "normal" cadence seems like a waste of money. 


    Also I don't cut his nails, and he still has his junk. 

  2. 15 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    "Angry Black Man"= a black man with a strong opinion. I've been hit with that label before... I'm cool with it :peace:

    STFU is a vulgarity? Isn't it technically an abbreviation of a vulgarity? So much to contemplate :hmm:

    Oh and I guess I've learned that edumacated folks don't cuss... I'd better hit the books then.


    Or man, you missed the or. 

  3. Just now, CitizenVectron said:

    Associating forceful words (like swear words) with limited vocabulary is fairly ignorant an opinion itself. Using words as exclamation to punctuate points is a powerful way to show the force of a statement. It's why I disapprove of parents that don't let their kids learn curse words or punish them for saying them; Kids should be taught curse words and to limit them to when it really matters. Don't swear all the time, but swear when it will provide emphasis.

    Oh, I definitely get that. Though, they generally have a negative connotation to them, and it is always possible to use words with the same power, so why not? 


    The bolded part is where I see the those with limited vocabularies, less education live; every other word is a swear word. That has definitely shaped my generalization.

  4. 1 minute ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    Lol why do clowns mistake a forceful opinion for anger? I get that we're on a forum and it's hard to read a person's intent but that's a very lame come back. Let me let you in a little secret... YOU don't matter enough to me to be angry about. I was simply letting you know that rather than engaging with you about topics like this moving forward,  I won't.  And spare me your resume bro... I'm sure you're a pillar of your community... bravo :cheers:

    As someone that doesn't use vulgarities, I associate them with anger (or a limited vocabulary / education). So it really wasn't a comeback, more so a questions of why you would be angry (like you stated, it an internet forum, few people matter). 

  5. 1 hour ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    Trump "occupies a space in folks heads" because he's THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES and his actions affect a lot of people whether they choose to bury their heads in the sand or not.  For someone who doesn't seem to care about this stuff, you offer a lot of opinions. Now I see why they're so off track most of the time. Then you should probably STFU about this stuff if you don't care about it. Now that I know you really don't give a shit about this stuff and more importantly,  don't seem to know what you're talking about and the context in which these discussions are being had, I'll refrain from commenting on anything you post non-game related or entertainment based in the future.



    Such anger, why so much anger?


    When I comment, I generally read up on it first. Added to that, you get a decent perspective of how things are going based on financial news. If you've notice, my opinions are usually that of personal experiences and interactions (it wouldn't surprise me if I had the same or even more involvement in my community than you all), not the noise of talking heads. 


    Off track = I just don't align with how you feel. If I took the perspective of you all, the world would look like a terrible place, instead I like to see the good things that are occurring first, and focusing on the positives, as there may be leveraging opportunities.

  6. 15 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:


    Trump has commented on this case today but has he said anything about that Mass Murdering plotting Coast Guard LT. who was targeting HIS enemies in the media and Government?

    I don't know, I only know what Trump says when I see it here. He doesn't live in a space in my head like he does people here. What is that even like, to have your mind consumed with something you are so against?


    Matter of fact, your comment is the first I've heard of that story. I don't pay much attention to news outside of the financial market; and I don't "have" social media (lock up some names, but I don't use them). Sometimes I'll check things out that I see here, or the other couple boards where I post. My curated news, blocks anything lifestyle, entertainment, political, violent, sports, social, and food related.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Amazatron said:


    You said Trump's post was legitimate.  It isn't because it is coming from a complete hypocrite.

    To what he was commenting on, it is legitimate; even a hypocrite can be correct at times. 


    I ask the larger question, do "you" want to be Trump like, or better than Trump? If you are saying its OK to blindly accost and generalize Trump supports, "you" are acting no better than him, and are being a hypocrite "yourself."

  8. 8 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

    Unlike actual attacks by his actual supporters.


    7 minutes ago, Amazatron said:


    Just like he blindly attacks immigrants, the media, the intelligence agencies, NFL players, Hillary, Obama, liberals, etc...


    Those aren't part of this conversation. Matter of fact, this situation is a detractor from incidents of that nature (just like the Covington kid). 

  9. 12 hours ago, Boyle5150 said:

    Good read. Sad (as I have said many times in the past) that victimhood is a championed state of being for minority communities. Playing from that position only allows you to be the strongest of the weak.

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