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Commodore D

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Posts posted by Commodore D

  1. Just now, Greatoneshere said:


    You're a dishonest debater so I'm not getting into this with you. 99% of the rest of the board agrees with me that it is, so to me your opinion is irrelevant. 


    Talk about debating dishonestly. You drive by comment on something that wasn't direct to you, then say you won't get into because blah blah blah (again not something you were asked to do). 


    There was no reason to comment in that case. Just ignore it, its pretty easy to do. 

  2. 1 hour ago, brucoe said:

    What really gets me is not that these border patrol guys were racist or that they said stupid shit. What gets me is the amount of hatred generated at AOC because of "reasons". Over the last few weeks, I've never read so much hatred generated at one woman because she actually cares about issues that involve socialism, which usually involves the rights of people and basic dignity. Yet, they treat her like she's advocating bringing in the very worst possibilities of civilization due to some strange belief that socialism is inherently evil, even though the majority of Americans have absolutely no concept of what socialism is or even that it might actually  be the greatest thing THEY could ever imagine for themselves, and I'm not even a socialist who realizes that.


    Haven't been paying attention to the hate Ivanka Trump gets huh? Even the woman you mentioned hates on her at ever opportunity.

  3. 13 hours ago, crispy4000 said:


    Doubtful.  They’ve kept Gold on tap both as an excuse to charge console owners for online multiplayer and to get people used to paying for week-before-launch access.  


    The only reason they’d ever drop it is a fear of their console competitors losing their subscription lust.  Not likely.  Even Nintendo’s full steam ahead on this. Console online multiplayer isn’t going free any time in the foreseeable future.


    Oh, I don't think it will be free, just rolled up into either of the services. 

  4. On ‎6‎/‎29‎/‎2019 at 6:45 PM, XxEvil AshxX said:

    Looking forward to finally playing Inside. Have owned Castlevania ever since it released on 360, but for those who don't have it, that's a win.


    Something I've been wondering since E3 though is that Microsoft said they were ending their BC efforts on XBO to focus on Scarlet, so I'm assuming that all of the 360 GWG games for the next year and a half will be rehashes or games that are already BC.


    I can see them killing off the 360 inclusions once Scarlet/Anaconda releases but hopefully not before then.

    I think you'll see Live go away, and GWG with it. You'll be left with Gamepass Ultimate and a Xcloud subscription. 


    Also glad I held off on Inside and SOTN the last couple times they went on sale, really dislike wasting my Microsoft Reward points.


  5. 6 minutes ago, johnny said:

    Oh.... ok? 

    <shrugs shoulders> West (and the east as well if healthy KD was going to Brooklyn) will be complete wide open with those two out. Where he goes carries that much more weight. Just a though, plus I'm trying to pass the time. It would be nice to sleep but I'm too long to turn my seat into a bed like the people around me, only four hours left though.

  6. 3 minutes ago, johnny said:

    Fuck this fucking sucks for Klay and KD. Curry gonna open the new arena with a g league squad. 


    NBA next season is gonna have no KD and no Klay for almost all of it. :( 

    Kawhi's destination has significantly more impact.

  7. 13 hours ago, Bloodporne said:

    This motherfucker could build himself a wig sweatshop full of starving African children into the Oval Office using CIA agents as carpenters and there'd be a collective "oh well, it's cuuhhhrazy Donnie guys" shrug. 


    Nobody actually cares. 


    Fox and CNN would both broadcast it live as a motivational story.

    Starving when they come in but then get fed, or do they continue to starve? That makes a difference. :p

  8. 1 minute ago, johnny said:

    Glad we established you don’t work for the warriors 

    I do hope KD take the player option (I mean of course he will), and the Warriors make it back to the Finals and he get a real shot to play.


    I also want to see Kawhi chip and dip on Toronto. They'll have to build him a statue for a one and done; kind of funny.

  9. 4 minutes ago, johnny said:

    You work in basketball ops for the warriors? Lmao. Thank you for your opinion. 

    No I don't; however I do have a buddy that is high up in basketball operations for the Pistons and he shares the sentiment. Assets are protected a lot harder when their your assets, basketball or not.

  10. 19 hours ago, johnny said:

    I think it’s ridiculous to put the blame on the staff *right away*. Players come back all the time before they’re healthy. We should wait to hear more about what happened in the days leading up to the game. And what about KD? He probably wanted to play more than anybody else in the org. Then again, the staff is supposed to protect the players. But it’s also possible they did everything correct. We need more information. I’m certainly not knowledgeable about this stuff to make an absolute decision on whose fault it is right after it happens. Ultimately both sides will take some amount of blame for a really unfortunate injury, and some of it will probably just be bad luck. 

    If KD was on a contract that had him there for the next five years, I'm fairly confident he wouldn't have been cleared to play. They would have let the Raptors get this one, and go after the next three peat opportunity.

  11. 15 hours ago, Chairslinger said:

    I know they have their issues with misogyny, but it never occurred to me that they would be big on heels.


    I would have thought a nation full of Danny DeVitos would be more touchy about women adding 3 inches to their height.

    Because science: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2254862/High-heels-really-DO-make-look-good-say-scientists-heres-why.html





    Side note, going to Tokyo for the first time in the fall, fairly excited, currently plotting out my trip.

  12. 3 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

    You can still molest someone if you don’t have a penis.

    True, but you would be less likely to have the urge.


    On one hand, I'm a fan of this bill; have seen enough cases where offenders think this is the only thing that will keep then from reoffending.


    But on the other I can see this being used (disproportionally) against people of color.

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