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Posts posted by Reputator

  1. 2 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

    They didn’t need to address them at all, that’s my point. I adore Cheers, but a spin-off is a spin-off. For as much as I love that show and its characters, the notion of a new show based on one of its characters needing being beholden to “Cheers canon” is just completely nonsensical. Like... who cares? It’s preposterous that the “follow up” to frigging Cheers is set in the Pacific Northwest and is about an erudite dandy of a psychologist who doesn’t deign to drink beer or watch sports. But Frasier as a show works so again... who cares? Let’s just not act like the connective tissue really mattered to what about Frasier made Frasier great because it didn’t. 


    And the same will hold true of any reboot. 


    Uh how is a "reboot" of Frasier with the same main character in any way at all the same as a spin-off?

  2. 1 minute ago, Kal-El814 said:


    They really didn’t though, at least not in any way that made sense. I’ll give them the dad thing, but his personality is COMPLETELY different. 


    I love both shows and I don’t care about the differences at all, but to say they addressed all the consistencies is only true in the most pedantic way possible. 


    Just because YOU weren't satisfied with the explanations, doesn't mean they didn't address them. Regardless, Frasier was not a reboot in the sense that you make it out to be. It was definitely a continuation, and they had to evolve the character to be able to carry the show.

  3. 1 minute ago, Kal-El814 said:

    Frasier DID ignore previous events, but it wasn’t a reboot obviously. Frasier goes from drinking beer to hating it, he goes from having a dead father to Martin being alive, his personality gets a huge overhaul, etc. He’s barely the same guy from Cheers to Frasier. 


    They addressed all those inconsistencies. It wasn't treated like a separate canon.

  4. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/07/23/white-house-trump-considering-revoking-clearances-from-former-cia-fbi-chiefs-735968


    Many of whom are key witnesses in the Mueller probe.


    The WH also threw in an accusation that these officials have been monetizing their clearance access, without providing any evidence or basis on how they arrived at that conclusion.

  5. 43 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

    I would've sacked an employee who did something similar without a second thought, especially if I'm an executive in a company with a "family-friendly" image.


    That's just it though, isn't it? No one in such positions puts in any second thoughts. That's incredibly disingenuous. It's ridiculous that he shouldn't be allowed to live it down. There's no consideration for who he is now or his track record as a successful filmmaker.


    I'm glad many people are more outraged at Disney than Gunn, and I hope that continues.

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