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Posts posted by number305

  1. 3 hours ago, chakoo said:

    It’s hard to say with out seeing the exact text or see what gets posted on their open source site. They’re required to list them even if they only borrowed a few lines of code.

    I would not be surprised if these turn out to be the exact same hardware that is in the NES classic and SNES classic (those two have the same innards).  It is just a different cover and emulator running.  Easy way for these companies to make money.

  2. 5 minutes ago, GoldenTongue said:

    Feeling a bit torn. On one hand, a sequel to BLACK PANTHER from Ryan Coogler has so much potential - he explored a number of complex issues while still delivering a film in the Marvel mold, so the notion of what he could delve into in a sequel that doesn’t need to include some degree of world-building is intriguing. 


    OTOH, the guy is an absolute three for three with new properties (the fact that he’s 3:3 in his first major efforts is just amaze balls), so there’s a pet of me that wants him to continue working in new material and expanding his portfolio. Also wondering if, like Spielberg, he may be someone who struggles when revisiting a universe he worked in previously. 


    Either way, I just want MOAR Ryan Coogler. 


    EDIT - and FTW, I’d consider BLACK PANTHER to easily be in Marvel’s top 3 to date, and I don’t know that I’d argue against anyone who ranks it at #1. I put it right up there with IRON MAN 3 and WINTER SOLDIER. 


    Wait are people walking around saying IronMan 3 is good now?  I had to have missed a memo...

  3. 20 minutes ago, XxEvil AshxX said:


    Ninja Theory is making Battletoads. Calling it now.

    I would kind of doubt it.  They were pretty clear that they wanted to create their own worlds and do their own thing.  I would be surprised if MS put them on an existing property.  But who knows.  They could probably do it well if they wanted to.

  4. I'm interested enough to keep an eye on it.  


    Interested to see if Crackdown can still be anything at all.  Battletoads could be a great first party asset if they treat it right.  Ori will be great.  I have faith that Ninja Theory will do something good.  


  5. 21 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

    I think people need to have read some of it, but I don't need to go through the thousands of pages of LotR and GoT to know I don't care for them and I enjoy the screen medium better. Sorry, but nope. I made the thread. Plus, I assume that most people posing here in here have read, or at least read part of these books. Duh.


    Well okay.  You can set the rules.  I think the premise of the thread is interesting - but I think the ability of someone to compare two things after only having knowledge of one is somewhat limited.  

  6. 2 hours ago, Chris- said:



     The notion that Tolkien wrote in an intentionally archaic fashion is probably the biggest fanboy retcon I've ever seen. For as good as he was at world building and crafting a compelling narrative, he was objectively bad at writing prose. And the latter isn't a function of the former; even The Hobbit, which was written before he conceived of the series, isn't particularly well written. LOTR isn't a chore to get through because it's long and dense with lore, it's difficult to get through because he can't pace the reader through it.

    I would agree that Tolkien was not intentionally writing in an archaic fashion.  Everything else you wrote is your opinion - that you are welcome to.  However those writings have had praise heaped on them for a long time by many people... long before there were movies.  I would feel safe saying that people will be reading and loving his books long after the movies have gone out of style.

  7. I'm not trying to call anyone out here - but there should be a ground rule in this thread that you can't say a movie is better unless you have actually read the book.


    I have to disagree with No country for old men as well.  Again - the movie is great but the book is awesome.  They are each their own thing and I'm glad they both exist.  If you have only seen the movie I would highly suggest reading the book.  


    I agree with @SFLUFAN that the Godfather is the number 1 example of movies being better.  I read Puzo novel as a teen and it was not great.  I tried reading his last book Omerta and I couldn't even finish it.  

  8. 1 hour ago, Jose said:

    Mexicans have a lazy stereotype? Wat.

    Yeah.  Not so much recently.  Go back and watch some old speedy gonzalez cartoons.  His family were all stereotype lazy mexican.  Sooo... because of that you might have trouble finding those episodes unless you buy them on DVD.


    I have the first season of Sesame Street on DVD that I purchased about 7 years ago when my kids were young enough for that stuff.  Those DVD's have a warning on them that they may not be suitable for children... seriously.  That is the PC age we are living in.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 21 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

    RDR2 is the video game equivalent of Blade Runner 2049. It's a big budget sequel that both expands the world and fills it with incredible detail and really luxuriates in that creation. Its part tone poem, part character study. Its slow and plodding, and that's largely the point. Speed it up and cut it down and you lose that very particular feeling it's trying to instill. Like Blade Runner 2049 I imagine there will be people put off by the pace and perhaps unwieldy length, but unlike it, I imagine Red Dead will make plenty of money.




    For my part, I remain undecided. I loved 2049 and other movies like it, but I'm not so sure that experience of a meditative 3 hour movie translates as well to a 60-100 hour game. When I can get into the right headspace, I can appreciate what R* has accomplished here, but there are times when the animations are just needlessly long and the endless riding is more grating than it is calming. I've played for quite a while now and I don't feel like I've accomplished anything, which I think is the point, but I also think it actively hurts my enjoyment.


    I just started Chapter 3, and I while I still don't like the controls, I've more or less gotten the hang of them. I continue to accidentally do the wrong thing from time to time, but I'm getting better at recognizing why that action happened. For a game that is so packed with details, I feel like they stumbled a bit on the fundamentals. At least they did well with the camera.


    I'm also finally starting to manually save more often, because I've gotten randomly screwed over a few times. I killed a legendary bear, and on my way to the trapper I accidentally ran my horse into an oncoming traveler. Before I realized that triggers a gun fight, I was dead, and my bear pelt was gone. A tooltip said something about my having surrendered the bear pelt, but I didn't have time to read it and there wasn't any way to see a log of messages, so I have no clue what happened to it.


    For a game that takes everything so slow, I'm not a fan of how quickly everything escalates to violence. I suppose crashing your horse into someone is a violent act, but apparently so is standing still in the road for too long. I was riding my horse a bit too hard and didn't realize I'd drained the stamina, so I stopped. I was feeding the horse, getting my hat back on, and mostly looking at the scenery, and despite being on the open prairie with the road hardly discernible from the surrounding landscape, I was apparently a roadblock for far too long, and the stranger behind me started shooting. I've walked by strangers who were unimpressed by how quickly I was leaving them alone and started shooting. I know I can talk and deescalate the situation or get away faster, but it just seems odd how quickly things go from "I don't like the look of you" to the O.K. Corral.




    Ugh.  I have been looking forward to this game for a long time but have not purchased it yet.  Little reviews like this give me pause.  I really only have small amounts of time to play games.  Sometimes I can string together an hour and a half late at night after my kids go to bed to play.  I don't think a game that is this slow and plodding will be enjoyable sliced up into that small of increments.  If I can only play for an hour in a day - and during my hour of play time essentially nothing happens, that does not sound fun.

  10. 1 hour ago, SaysWho? said:


    For the N64, I just think it has to be there just because you could probably fit 20 there without much trouble:


    1. Super Mario 64

    2. Pilotwings 64

    3. Star Fox 64

    4. Super Smash Bros

    5. Pokemon Stadium

    6. Pokemon Snap

    7. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

    8. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

    9. Diddy Kong Racing

    10. Banjo Kazooie 

    11. Paper Mario

    12. Kirby 64

    13. Banjo-Tooie

    14. Jet Force Gemini

    15. Donkey Kong 64

    16. Mario Kart 64

    17. Mario Party

    18. Ogre Battle 64

    19. Harvest Moon 64

    20. F-Zero X


    A few of those you could trade out for others (since Pokemon Stadium used your GameBoy Pokemon team, you might eliminate that and do something like 1080 Snowboarding or Wave Race), and stuff like Goldeneye/Perfect Dark may not make it due to licensing or not owning the IP anymore. Wrestling games wouldn't make it in.


    Otherwise, it's easier to do 20 N64 games than 20 PS1 games.

    Pretty good list.  I don't think Goldeneye will make it.  There have been lots of problems licensing that game.  For that fact MS will need to be involved for several of those Rare games to make it in.  MS has been trying to act like a good guy lately so maybe they strike up a licensing deal.  You have to include Wave Race.  That was an awesome release game back in the day.

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