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Posts posted by number305

  1. 22 hours ago, sblfilms said:

    Some people are really invested in the idea that TLJ is a widely hated property and it just tickles me.

    It amuses me how hard people support it.


    I'm not starting online petitions or boycotting anything.  I took my family to see Solo when it came out.  I just really didn't like TLJ.  I would put it with Phantom Menace and Clone Wars if I was grouping Star Wars movies.


    I'm still looking forward to the trilogy from that director if he actually gets to make them.  I really liked Looper and in my opinion Ozymandias (episode of Breaking Bad) is the best single hour of television ever made.  I just didn't like what was done with the existing characters.  Give him all his own characters to work with and I don't think I will have any issues with his movies.

  2. I stopped really looking forward to this game over a year ago.  At this point I think everyone would be surprised if it actually came out.  If it comes out and is enjoyable or above mediocre people will be even more surprised.  


    They could have made the game from scratch just in the time it has been delayed.  

  3. 6 hours ago, Dragonseeker said:

    Trailer is ok. Much better than Apocolypse. I am looking forward to this because this is probably the last time I get to see a serious X-Men film before Disney makes everyone crack jokes with Tony Stark. 


    Fox is the last bastion for good dramatic superhero films. 

    This is a joke right? No one really thinks fox has done a better job in the last decade than Disney... 

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  4. 43 minutes ago, Reputator said:

    Some mutants you can have around already. Like it wouldn't be necessary for Logan to publicly come out and help the Avengers if he's just trying to keep a low profile. And maybe he's just a super slow aging guy with fast healing/regeneration and doesn't have his skeleton yet. Not super powered enough to be much help against past threats from Loki, Ultron, etc.

    But the thought was the Snap 'created' the mutations.


    You can cause a lot of damage to DNA by going back and forth.  Snip/Snap Snip/Snap Snip/Snap.




    • Guillotine 1
  5. 24 minutes ago, EternallDarkness said:


    if they are just getting invented in 2018 then they'd have to forget about all of their backstories. 

    Yeah I had thought about the snap thing too.


    I think one way it could work is that when they undo the snap there is some sort of time travel (which has already been heavily suggested anyway).  So that could plant Mutants way back in history.  


    Some of the backstories may need updated anyway.  At this point if Magneto was a child during WW2 he is going to have to be at least 80 years old (which works perfectly if you want Ian McKellen to keep playing the character I guess, just don't know how many more movies you will get from him.)

  6. 22 minutes ago, Hurdyb1 said:

    I would love to see some of the cast come over but I'm sure a full reboot and new casting will happen which is alright by me.

    Just wondering what cast you would like to see come over?


    I think a total reboot would be good.  Things are pretty messy with xmen right now.  The Dark Phoenix movie was apparently cancelled at one point... it has been in the can for a year and they are releasing it in February.  

  7. 17 hours ago, Jason said:

    I wonder if this means anything for the future of the current Marvel Netflix shows. Eventually cut Netflix out of the picture on them, maybe even canceling/ending the shows? 

    I think Netflix has the rights for those characters as long as they continue to make the shows.  Kind of like Sony gets to keep spiderman as long as they make a movie every X number of years.  So I don't think Netflix will let those go any time soon.


    I could be wrong on that, but I think i read it in an article about the new Disney streaming service in the last week or two.

  8. For me the best reason to go digital was to not have the clutter of game cases.


    I understand it is some peoples hobby to collect them and that is great.


    But really long term... someday someone is going to throw those away.  It may be you, it may be your kids when you die, but eventually all those physical game cases are getting thrown out.  

  9. I think I post this every year but...


    I don't ever pay attention to the NBA until after the Superbowl (okay I cheat on Christmas day - there are usually a couple good games that day).  That is not too far away from the all-star game.  Also it just so happens to match up that they usually put this game on sale for half off during all star week.  So for me that is all perfect and the best time to buy the game.

    • Like 1
  10. 6 hours ago, TwinIon said:

    With the PS4 remaster of 7 probably still coming out eventually, it's hard to be interested in that. I've played through X a couple times, which is rare for me, but I don't really have any desire to do it again.


    I never did play 9, maybe I'll give that one a chance.

    The remake of 7 really does not sound like the same game. Last I read they were making it into an action game instead of turn based rpg. 

  11. 16 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

    Racists can't be having a black Superman. 


    It'd totes be like having Nick Cage play Martin Luther King Jr. in a movie. Or so I'm led to believe from somebody in a comments section.


    What people don't like is stunt casting.


    I think most rational people would have been happy with Idris Elba as 007.  Also I think most rational people would love for Marvel to develop Miles Morales in the MCU.  


    However just coming out of nowhere and race flipping Superman seems a bit out of left field.  That casting seems to be a 'look at what we did' kind of move.

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