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Everything posted by SuperSpreader

  1. Disney is so broke https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/disney-furloughs-100-000-theme-park-hotel-workers-amid-coronavirus-n1188236
  2. https://www.theonion.com/walgreens-introduces-new-dumbass-only-shopping-hours-fo-1842779060?utm_campaign=The+Onion&utm_content=1587295285&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_source=facebook
  3. I think it's interesting that Latino rates are roughly the same as whites, except in NY, where a lot of Latinos have are part Black due to being Dominican or Puerto Rican.
  4. What else do you have to show? 🍆
  5. No longer the model minority, soon they'll be treated like every other brown guy out there. I know a few Asians who are pro Trump, when he was elected they were like "this is great! He's gonna take care of the thugs!" And I was like "you know you're not white, right???"
  6. Right, we shouldn't do it the way we did it this time. Maybe there's a stipend for that period of time. Like if we rethought the whole structure of it. Or maybe that period of time is built into their income somehow so they still get paid during that time, but it's withheld from their paychecks so it's evened out. Shut down the markets too, they shut down for holidays and when the market falls too fast, the scam is clear there's no free market. Put it on pause.
  7. What if like.. every year we stopped society across the world for two or three weeks, but planned, so people could prepare. I wonder what that would do for health, the environment, stopping diseases big and small.
  8. https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2020/apr/18/coronavirus-us-live-growing-protests-stay-home-orders-trump-latest-news-updates Lots of protests, we need a patriot with Covid to go hang out with them and save us.
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/apr/18/operation-reopen-america-are-we-about-to-witness-a-second-historic-failure-of-leadership-from-trump
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