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Posts posted by Kal-El814

  1. 2 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    Yet Marvel seemed to be able to make it work in the comics (you know where all these ideas were actually born from) for over 50 years. They could definitely make it work especially if they tie in the appearance of Mutants as somehow being a result of Alien activity in the MCU (or however they try to explain the appearance of mutants) There's definitely room in the MCU for mutants.

    Personally I find the way that comics handle this to be inelegant at best. The public hates and fear mutants but is fine with non-mutant superhumans because... reasons? Johnny Storm was enhanced by cosmic rays as a teenager and is beloved while a rando X-Man with a mutation at birth who didn’t manifest their powers until the same age Johnny went into space is hated and feared? 


    Each comic has to sail on its own wind so I don’t actually begrudge the writers for handling it the way they do, but mainstream comics handle this by ignoring or or getting cute once in a while when they’re doing a crossover. 

  2. 1 minute ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

    You're probably right on that one. I was just wondering what's so bad about NYC compared to other major systems in the country. 

    As someone who has only been to NYC intermittently in recent years, the subway system feels a little worse each time I go. Less well maintained, dirtier, etc. It’s still significantly better than it was when I went there as a kid, though.


    Hard to say if that’s an across the board thing or if it’s just where / when I happened to be.

  3. 12 minutes ago, RedSoxFan9 said:

    I don’t see how adding X-Men to the algorithm that creates MCU movies would make them any worse

    I don’t think that adding X-Men to the MCU would make the movies worse.


    But if the X-Men had been there all along, I DON’T think we’d have gotten films like the Guardians flicks, the Thors, Ant-Mans, etc. I also don’t know that it’s likely we’d have gotten stuff like Logan, either, if Wolverine had to exist within a greater continuity.


    I know, other than Logan or Guardians, those films tend not to be people’s MCU’s favorites. But I’d miss some of the minor characters getting their own stuff in favor of the bigger hitters. But this is all speculation, so... who knows.

  4. Honestly I never really “got” the appeal of awards shows other than to see a bunch of performers people like in one place, all dressed up. Doesn’t do much for me, but I understand why people get into it especially before social media gave us instant access to all of these people all of the time.


    But the awards themselves... I’ve never understood the public’s interest in them. And I know this is potentially a weird thing to say but given the extent to which the system can be gamed by and pander to someone like Weinstein... the whole thing has gone from a curiosity to me to an exhibition of grotesquery. I just don’t give a shit about what movie or actor can contort themselves to most closely resemble what they anticipate the Academy will find most palatable.

  5. 10 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

    YouTube identified four specific videos that were against it's policy. Two with hate speech against Muslims, one contained hate speech against transgender people, and another promoted violence against liberals. On the Alex Jones Show he also went off on a threatening rant that contained this bit:


    I haven't seen statements from any of these companies identify exactly where Jones crossed their particular terms of service (Buzzfeed collected a few direct statements). It seems that once Apple decided to ban him, everyone else decided to as well.


    At least, everyone other than Twitter:


    Also interesting, is that despite Apple being the one to set off this sequence, his app on the iOS App store remains up, and has shot up the charts.


    It’s almost like Jack is a huge piece of shit and the worst kind of tech bro in this regard.

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