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Posts posted by Kal-El814

  1. 1 minute ago, SaysWho? said:

    Not really much of a sell. Wisconsin labor felt on their own during the Walker recall; that kind of feeling doesn't go away.


    We just saw the Rust Belt decide the presidency; this is the simplest connection that could be made.

    How is this anything other than speculative  correlation without causation? 60K fewer people voted Democrat in 2016 compared to 2012, and 2M more people voted Republican, assuming I’m remembering things right. Where is the causal relationship between Obama not making an appearance in Rust Belt OWS protests and the 2016 Presedential election?

  2. 20 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


    I hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighly doubt that, but it comes with caveats. For example, Obama remained popular among Democrats in 2012 and had a high approval rating his last year in office. At the same time, I'm pretty sure his not showing up at any Occupy Wall Street events in the upper midwest and helping labor protests there hurt his and Democrats' standing among the Rust Belt states, which had ramifications years later in 2016. So even if Trump's approval ratings didn't crater (I would assume they would at least for some time and would be an albatross in a midterm election as people forget his numbers crashed after Access Hollywood for weeks), long-term consequences of anything that happens now cannot be foreseen.


  3. I don’t know that anyone is “the best” since “open world” is such a broad cetagory.


    R* makes really detailed, visually interesting worlds, and then generally populates them with very little of interest to do. Their characters are largely forgettable, as are their stories. Ubisoft gets a lot of crap for their checklist approach, but R* does the same stuff, even if the execution is different. I also think they have some issues with giving the player the freedom to derp all over the world but have the story and characters completely ignore that. Seems like RDR2 might be an attempt to change that, so I’m cautiously optimistic in that regard.


    Bethesda gives you the most shit to actually do, but most of their games are just enormous piles of jank that the community has to fix. And have they gotten worse at telling stories? Fallout 4 sure makes me think they have. A modded Bethesda game is still a delight, but what you get out of the box feels like it gets a little less focused and special each time, which is disappointing.


    CDPR probably has the best implementation between player action and story outcome in Wild Hunt of any of the open world games. Your actions with Ciri matter in interesting ways, much more so than other games with a narrative focus. But it probably also has the least “variety” in this class which is good and bad. You know most of what you’re going to find is monsters and loot, which gets repetitive, but you also know it’s going to be of higher quality than most other open world games. Some of the big quests in Wild Hunt are more interesting and better written than every one of R*’s individual games.


    Avalanche makes the best sandboxes with Just Cause.


    Volition just cranks everything up to 11 and makes some really amusing, stupid shit. They’re much more overtly “fun” than most of the other games in this category.


    Sucker Punch flirts with greatness from time to time, and their open world games have moments but they’re not consistently great.


    And as other people have said... Nintendo warrants being included here just for Breath of the Wild alone. It’s one of the best open world games ever, and if they can make a couple quality of life improvements for the sequel... man.

  4. 7 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

    I think here we can agree. If there was any rape or pedophilia involved, sure, put him away and toss the key.

    Roman Polanski got kicked out of the Academy 3 months ago for raping a girl in 1977, and last year he was picked to chair the committee (possibly the wrong terms, whatever) for the French equivalent of the Oscars, so I don’t know that we’re quite at the point where the industry itself agrees that people should be contemporaneously held accountable for their actions. Or again, we’ve got network executives responding to interview questions about Louis CK talking about how they’re missed.


    So “we” might agree, but people in positions of power clearly do not.

  5. 57 minutes ago, Jason said:

    It'd be one thing to fire Gunn over sending those tweets, etc right now, but what you're suggesting is that basically that if you've ever made a mistake, that's it, your life deserves to be over if anyone ever finds out about it.


    Louis C.K. isn't a great comparison point to Gunn IMO because while he does seem to have stopped forcing women to watch him masturbate and learned from it, it also directly affected other people, so there's more urgency to the thought of "well what if he actually HASN'T learned his lesson?"


    I agree the CK to Gunn comparison was not especially good, I was just rolling at the time and mashed post.


    That said, for my devil’s advocate rant... I’m not saying people that fuck up should never work again, ever. That’s not rational or reasonable. I don’t really know what to do about it.


    To keep it with Gunn for a second, the remarks and behavior were stupid but I wouldn’t expect him to be blackballed, and I think his firing in of itself was probably a reach. So he gets sacked from GotG which sucks, since I liked those movies, but Marvel has this down to a science and GotG3 will be fine. Gunn will be fine.


    With someone like CK... I suppose I cannot begrudge him specifically for going back out and doing what he loves and knows even if I wish he’d stay out of the public eye forever. I can, however, give shit to someone like that FX guy I mentioned who “miss” Louie and his show. That’s what I meant when I said he’s not THAT special. NOBODY should be special enough for someone else in a position of power to “miss” someone who copped to multiple instances of sexual harassment. I don’t want Louie to die in a fire or never hold another job again. But I think that holding powerful people accountable for egregious abuses of power like what Louie did is absolutely “worth” a lack of “redemption,” for him, whatever that means. Again I wouldn’t want that to legally enforceable or anything, I just... wish he went away forever.


    I also think we need to be clear about what a “mistake” is. What Louie did isn’t a “mistake.” He was a borderline or straight up serial sexual harasser. One doesn’t do that “mistakenly.” I’ve said stupid things to women. I’m not expecting anyone to be perfect.


    Anyway I’m unfocused and rambling. I don’t even know what I want, I just get bummed out that there are dudes in power out there willing to go out on a limb to talk about them missing someone who has been “gone” for what feels like 15 minutes.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Chris- said:

    The fact you guys are even having this argument proves that Trump has lowered the bar for candidates as opposed to raising it, and if our response to Trump’s incompetence is, ‘Hey, this lawyer guy is pretty fucking smart, he could be President!’ then let’s just burn everything down now. 

    But some of the framers were just pretty fucking smart lawyer guys so... fuck you? I’ve got nothing.

  7. 1 hour ago, Alpha1Cowboy said:

    That said it feels like ther is this huge push to change race for the last 10 years on the charachter...but the majority settle on merely swapping white for black.....here in the US we push for divesrsity..but that mostly means adding more black actors and actresses and shows......what about Inidan, or Hispanic, or Asian...or Arab.  .  

    What are you talking about? People absolutely push for more Indian, Hispanic, Asian, and Arab representation in movies.

  8. 14 hours ago, Jose said:

    Because Kal said he wasnt that special.

    I didn’t mean he’s not particularly special, again, he’s an incredible comedian. I meant that he’s not so special as to warrant “redemption” or a “comeback” from his behavior. I don’t even know what that means. He sexually harassed a bunch of women. How does one “come back” from that? A shitty apology and a rad comedy special? Fuck that and fuck him. He’s slime. I don’t know how else to say it. I want to see the death of a culture that tolerates sexual harassment and the gross application of patriarchal power. The least I can do is not give fuckwads like him attention (other than calling him out on his shit) and beyond that, money or views. I loved his comedy but I’m done with him.

    • Thanks 1
  9. Here's a post I made a month or so back about Blades in the Dark.


    On 7/13/2018 at 10:17 PM, Kal-El814 said:

    Check out Blades in the Dark.


    It's a D6 based tabletop RPG about being a group of scoundrels in a haunted, "whalepunk," city in the vein of Dishonored. I'd not played many tabletop RPGs before and had certainly never GM'd one. But a bunch of my buddies went to a cabin this winter and I GM'd. The time just flew by, it was great.


    The system does a great job of letting the GM and the players make the fiction as they go. The book has a general framework, setting, district maps, some prebaked rivalries and suggested scores. But part of why we liked it so much is that we sorta played it like we were making up the world as we went within the author's framework. The players decided to be a gang of drug pushers, so they got to decide how their drug worked, why it was better than what was currently available, how they could keep their sources exclusive, etc. So unlike something more traditional like DnD, where your characters have explicit hitpoints, enemies have explicit skills, it's a lot more conversational.


    On most scores you also just jump right into the first conflict. So if the players in our game were gonna go to a local den, kick people out, and take over their turf, we'd roll for engagement based on their advantages / disadvantages, and the outcome of that roll would dictate where we start. A great roll could establish, "okay you have a guy on the inside who can vouch for you and your tight with the Gondoliers, so we'll assume there was no trouble getting to or into the spot." Where a crap roll would be more like, "Okay, you're tight with the Gondoliers so they can get you close, but the ferryman was out late last night and is coming off his high, so he's drawing attention to the boat by being bragging about something going down to anyone you pass on the river. And your man inside is going to want a cut of the score for selling out his current employer."


    You also just pick a load before you go, light / normal / heavy, and you can "spawn" items mid-score based on your need provided you don't exceed your load. You don't have to say, "I'm going to bring my pistols and my bone charm," beforehand. If shit gets spooky, you can say, "good thing I brought my bone charm," tick it off, and you're good. You can also flash back when you run into trouble, which helps avoid analysis paralysis pre-mission. Take some stress when you run into a guard, flash back, and roleplay how you bribed him or kidnapped his kid for leverage before the score.


    Dunno how your comment turned into a novella on Blades... I guess I miss playing!

  10. 10 hours ago, Wild said:

    James Gunn, by all accounts, grew up as a person. He changed his humor, his attitude, and his treatment of others. We shouldn't be punishing him for his past behavior, but recognizing his personal growth. Gunn is an example of what we need so many other people to do in this world.


    I don't have strong feelings about James Gunn one way or the other. But to play devil's advocate for a second...


    So hew grew as a person. So what? What of value are we losing by him getting sacked by Disney? There are tons of other talented directors who weren't 40 year old edgelords that got a kick out of rustling jimmies by saying stupid shit about pedophilia. And let's be clear, a lot of what he said wasn't "a joke," it was sent out into the interwebs with the express purpose of douchebaggery.


    /devil's advocate


    I'm honestly curious at the public's willingness to accept some people back into the fold. Again, Gunn's shtick was moronic but it was old, it was public, and the circumstances under which it was brought back to light were deliberately disingenuous. But with guys like whoever it was at FX saying how he misses Louie CK and his show... fucking why? He's a great comic but he's not so special as to warrant the public adulation and fiscal windfall tat a comeback tour or show is going to give him. If you're a grown ass man in a position of power abusing that to whip your dick out in front of people who think that non-cooperation is going to tank their career... it's fucking gross that someone is looking forward to his "redemption."




    I'll see myself out.

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